Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend {2013}

After spending my Friday in the psych ward (as a nursing student, not a patient), I headed to Indiana. Saturday afternoon, we had a family get-together, complete with endless amounts of really good food. My almost-mother-in-law made 2 of her really yummy pies (I’m hesitant to claim a favorite at this point because they are ALL good!) We played Apples-to-Apples for quite a while, and the 2 youngest kids had an Easter egg hunt. It really was a fun day J

Sunday morning, I headed off to church with my husband-to-be. (I can’t wait to drop the last 2 words off that sentence!) After church, we went to Micah’s parent’s house for lunch. There were pictures to be taken and more food to be eaten…Later in the afternoon, we all ended up back at the farm while the guys worked on finishing the “bridge to Clarkabithia”.

This year, Easter was different than any other Easter before. For the first time in all the Easters I have been alive, I did not spend it with my parents, grandparents, and siblings. Honestly, it was a little bittersweet…Lately, this crazy, wonderful life has been changing a lot. It’s really been the start of a whole new adventure!
Fortunately for Micah and me, our parents have not pressured us to be at a certain place on a certain date. That is worthy of some sort of award, honestly. I’m so thankful that our parents are making this as smooth as possible for us. Note to Parents: Please don’t mess this up once we do get married!

Here’s a few pictures from my weekend: 

...Where do you look when there are 3 cameras?! Love Micah's smile in this one...

Thankful for the time we have to spend together! 

Only 264 days until they're officially family! 

The "Golden Grandchild" with his Grammy :) (For the record, he's the ONLY grandchild!)

                                           's the newly constructed bridge. 

So thankful for the HOPE we have in Jesus, not just on Resurrection Sunday but every day of the year!