I can't believe we've had you for a whole month! Time is going much too fast already. We love all the ways you've changed our lives forever :)
Here's what I want to remember about your first month (outside my belly, that is!)
- I love the way you curl up on my chest, with your legs pulled in close. Your daddy calls this your "comfort position"--it almost always calms you down
- You snore. and grunt. and FART LIKE A GROWN MAN!!
- Your head was made for hats.
- You laughed out loud at 10 days old. All 3 of us were sitting on the back deck. You gave us a big "milk coma smile" and then had this adorable little chuckle. I almost cried.
- You're still trying to decide if you want to suck your thumb. We saw you suck on your thumb and fingers during an ultrasound. You're not a big fan of pacifiers, and if you're hungry--those pacifiers make you angry!
- You have long fingers and toes, like your daddy. But newborn "shoes"? They're still too big.
- You have many different "cries". There's the feed me now cry, the yelling cry, the upset belly cry, the "I'm bored" cry. You're doing a good job of letting us know what you need!
- You really, really like to eat. Many mornings involve a "feeding frenzy" where you want to eat every 45 minutes for a couple hours. Maybe you'll enjoy lots of breakfast food when you're older?
- Speaking of eating, your ability to projectile vomit is quite something! We had no idea a person so small could do this.
- During the day, you nap on your belly (in the boppy).
- You enjoy our morning walks. You're usually alert and looking around--sometimes, the movement puts you right to sleep.
- You like getting baths...but you aren't impressed when we take your clothes off!
- You're still in newborn clothes and newborn diapers. You outgrew your preemie outfits around 2 weeks.
- You sleep for 3-4 stretches at night (usually), in your swing or rock n play. That beautiful crib we have? You're not a fan of it.
- Your first "day trip" was to central Illinois--meeting more of your family. Your Pops, Grams, Auntie Em, Uncle Tom, and Great Grandma Neva all came (from WI) to see you in this first month.
- I read to you every day. Your daddy and I love to read--we hope you have this love, too.
- You've been shopping (on more than 1 occasion!), to restaurants, your pediatrician's office, the flea market, church, and to the fair.
- You weigh 8 pounds and 4 ounces now, which puts you around the 25th percentile. Your head is 65th percentile (because you're a smart cookie!) and you're 20 inches long. At 1 month, you're the size of many newborns :) We nicknamed you our "tiny human", and had no idea how fitting that name would be!
I love you, sweet girl, and am so thankful God gave us you!
Love always,