Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Eleanor Mae at 4 months

Dear Eleanor,

Here we are again—you’re another month older! You can stop growing, any time now...Your personality is shining through in some BIG ways, Sweet Girl. 
  • You find ceiling fans to be SO interesting. You will watch them until you’re dizzy. You find them when we’re out and can stare at them for a long time.
  • You’re wearing bibs quite a bit these days. Holy drool, batman! Your daddy is dying for you to get teeth. I’m in no hurry…
  • You roll from belly to back now. Of course, you haven’t mastered how to get from your back to your belly again. Oh, the struggle this is for you!
  •  You went to the Kelley Reunion at the end of October and got to meet more of your extended family. Needless to say, you stole some hearts that day J
  • You’re constantly trying to observe EVERYTHING around you—and that’s exhausting. You get overstimulated in large groups of people. When we take you in a room that is quieter, you’re back to your happy self. (Your daddy doesn’t like large crowds for too long either!)
  • You are quite the noisy little chatterbox. Your “conversations” are the best. You seem to be the most talkative in the morning.
  •  It finally happened. After several weeks of sticking your hands in your mouth (almost non-stop), you have found your thumb. Your LEFT thumb, to be specific ;) It has made car rides enjoyable again. Your daddy and I hear you moving around in your crib at night—and shortly thereafter, we hear you sucking on that thumb. It’s one less thing for me to remember when we go places, too ;) Did I mention it’s COMPLETELY ADORABLE? Because it is. Let’s not think about breaking this habit or the thousands we’ll spend on braces. No, we’re going to enjoy that you have found this thing that makes you so. Incredibly. Happy.
  • Somehow, you manage to kick off your socks while eating. Nearly every time. You’re a veeeeeeerrrry distracted eater these days. I tell your daddy that I’m “wrestling a rhinoceros” some days!
  • Bottles. Oh, those glorious bottles. You have decided they are the most RIDICULOUS invention. Why would any baby drink out of a bottle?! Several weeks ago, I had to come home from work because you would not eat for your daddy. Not even one drop. You’ve taken bottles many times before, but a few weeks ago—well, you decided you didn’t want them anymore! Always keeping us on our toes, you are, Nora Mae!
  • Size 2 diapers is what you’re wearing these days. We even had to pull out your 3-6 month sleepers! You’re growing out of 0-3/3 month clothes, too.
  • You weigh 12 pounds and 4 ounces (13th percentile). You’re SO BIG that you almost didn’t make the chart for length ;) Well, actually you are at the 3rd% percentile for length—apparently, most other 4 month olds are, indeed, bigger than you. But, we have the proof that you are such a smart cookie—your head circumference is 87th% percentile. So, you may be smaller than most babies, but you’re SMARTER ;) 
  • Your smile lights up your whole face. And mine, too! 
        Love always, 