Saturday, April 23, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 9 months

Dear Eleanor,

Have I ever told you that you’re growing much too quickly?! I’ve decided this current stage you’re in is my favorite. Really, my very most favorite—because I haven’t said that before ;)

  • When Grams was holding you (and a large Diet Coke in the other hand), you grabbed the end of the straw and promptly put it in your mouth. (No, we didn’t let you have any!) You’re mimicking so many things we do these days. 
  • You give the best kisses! They are very slobbery, open-mouth kisses, but you give this affection so gently. For the record, your daddy and I do often have to “wipe off” your kisses because of the excess drool. But we don’t do this while you’re watching, promise! 
  • One Thursday afternoon, you decided it was time to crawl. While your daddy was hanging curtains in the living room, you proceeded to crawl right over to chew on the plastic he’d been tossing on the floor—like you’d been crawling for weeks. You’ve become quite the crawler since then! When you first started crawling, you slipped around on our wood floors…it looked like you were on a slip n slide! But, you have drastically improved your crawling abilities and can do so quite speedily now. In fact, it’s too speedy a good part of the time! 
  • Crawling, by itself, wasn’t enough to keep you occupied for long, Pretty Girl. You’re pulling up on EVERYTHING these days. Once you’re standing, you’ll push away with your arms and try to stand unassisted. The problem with that? Your balance isn’t there yet! Yes, you’ve taken some pretty hard falls since you started this. THANK GOODNESS you aren’t standing in your crib…yet. I’m hoping you’re so exhausted by bedtime that you can’t even think about standing again. It’s working so far! 
  • I do believe your adorable thumb-sucking days are behind us. You quite sucking your thumb completely when those first teeth were coming in, and you haven't started again. Remember what I said about growing up?! *sigh*
  • You’ve always liked to be close by, but now that you’re crawling and standing—you are constantly right by my feet. In fact, sometimes, you’re ON my feet. 
  • Nora Mae, you go CRAZY over frozen teething rings. I’m talking squeal-with-delight when you see one. You’re still proudly sporting those 2 lower teeth…
  • When you first wake up, you’ll sit up in your crib and start talking. When I pick you up, you’ll rest your head on my shoulder and snuggle for a few minutes. The rest of the day, you’re much too busy exploring to sit still for long! 
  • You sat in the grass for the 1st time and were totally impressed! Eleanor, you immediately started pulling up grass, locating little sticks, and of course—putting it all in your mouth! You love being outside, and we’ve been enjoying warm, sunny weather this week. 
  • You’ve been saying “Dada” for a little while now, but you started saying “Mama”! I only teared up a little bit the first time I heard it ;) #nevergrowup
  • We celebrated our 1st Easter with you, Sweet One! You wore an adorable dress (thanks to your Auntie Rachel), and got Easter Baskets from: Mommy and Daddy, Pops and Grams, Auntie Em, Great-Grandma Judy and Great-Grandpa Tom, and Grammy and Papaw. Spoiled, much?! Auntie Em painted your fingernails for the 1st time (using Piggy Paint). 
  • You’re still my Tiny Human! At 9 months, you weighed 15 pounds and 9 ounces (10th percentile) and are 26 inches long (7th percentile). Your head measured in the 85th percentile—it’s because you’re so smart. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. (It’s no wonder baby headbands don’t fit you!) You are wearing size 3 diapers and I’ve packed away some of your 3-6 month clothes—okay, I’m lying. The 3-6 month clothes I put away are winter clothes that are no longer seasonally appropriate :) You’re in 3-6 month clothes and some 6-9 months clothes. 

It’s been such a fun month, Nora Mae! You’re doing so many new things, and want to explore everything.

Love always,

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 8 months

Dear Eleanor,

I’ve gotten behind in blogging your 8 month update, but the chaos of moving (and a few other things) have kept us all running! Your 8 month birthday fell on St. Patrick’s Day, a day your Great Grandma Neva always loved. Her youngest son was born on St. Patty’s Day and she always made a big deal about wearing green on this particular day. Great Grandma Neva would tell you her favorite color is green, but since she doesn’t talk these days—we’ll tell you about her favorite things. Another true story, Nora Mae—your mother didn’t dress you in green on St. Patrick’s Day. Gasp. Next year, Baby Girl…

At 8 months, you’re acting so…BIG! Our little family shared exciting news that you are going to be a big sister in September. Your new brother or sister is due September 17th, so you two will be 14 months apart. I’m excited for you to have a playmate, and your daddy is completely convinced you’re getting a sister!

• You’ve become an expert at pulling your shoes and socks off…every single time we get in the car. Once you tire of chewing on said socks, the backseat eats them.
• Since you’re such an advanced baby, you are absolutely enthralled with zippers and buttons on people’s clothing. You study them, touch them…and then try to eat them  No necklaces for me right now—because they are the ultimate chew toy!
• You pulled up on the side of your crib, so we had to drop your mattress. We had just put you in your crib to go “ni-night” and effortlessly, you stood up and looked at us! You flashed one of those adorable, open-mouth smiles—and I had a slight breakdown because you’re growing up much too quickly.
• Eleanor Mae, I’ve convinced myself that you’ll be whole, solid meals by…your 2nd birthday?! You have absolutely no interest in baby food or pureed stuff—but if we hand you a whole green bean, you’ll get right to work.
• You figured out that splashing in the bathtub is SUCH FUN! I think you would play in the bathtub all day if you could. There’s books and toys…and no diapers or clothes! :)
• Your stackable blocks? You LOVE knocking them over. You’ll excitedly wave your arms around while we stack them back up—then squeal with delight when they topple over again.
• No crawling yet. I’m starting to think you’re going to skip crawling altogether. Nora Mae, you haphazardly throw your hips to one side, then scoot around. It’s not fast, but you are able to go quite the distance!
• You are proudly showing off 2 new “toofers”, aka teeth :) After endless amounts of non-stop drooling, some extremely long nights, and gnawing on everything and everyone, those long-awaited teeth finally popped through. Your cute little smile is even cuter with these new additions :)
• Pretty Girl, you’ve developed an extreme fascination with “non-toys”. Cell phones, remote controls, plastic cups, silverware, diaper bag, and car keys are so much cooler than any toy you have!

I love seeing your excitement.

Love always,