Here we are again! You’ll have to stop this “growing” thing eventually—because you’re supposed to stay little forever. It’s what we agreed on, Sweet Girl.
- You’re standing up CONSTANTLY, including in your crib! Your balance has improved greatly in the last few weeks & you can stand “in mid-air” without hanging on to anything! When you’re tired of standing (which takes quite a while), you squat.
- Empty boxes are the coolest! You can push them around, put toys inside of them, use them to stand up…the opportunities are endless, really.
- Nora Mae, I can usually *hear* you. You’re quite the “talker”: you clap frequently, squeal often, and laugh out loud many, many times a day. When you get very quiet, it’s usually because you’re into something you shouldn’t be. Oh yes, it’s already begun…
- I’m calling you “Eleanor Mae” often these days—because it always gets your attention! “No ma’am, no bite” has also become a popular phrase around here ;) It’s amazing how sharp those TWO teeth are!
- You’re crawling ALL over the house & exploring everything. You’re crawling under chairs and opening cabinet doors, too. Nearly all the time, you have at least 1 small toy in your hand (teething ring, part of a puzzle, block, bath toy), but you are often seen crawling with a small item in each hand. When you started crawling with something in each hand, it didn’t always turn out so well for you—meaning, you face-planted a few times, Pretty Girl! You’re never in the same place for long!
- At bedtime, your daddy refers to you as a “hyperactive little squirrel”. You can be completely exhausted, but you keep moving and keep making noise…because you might fall asleep if you are still for too long! It’s usually quite comical, these antics you do—all in an effort to stay awake
- You have expressed an extreme dislike when your mommy holds other babies or kids. Last week, you got to meet 2 new friends (Kaydie’s girls) and you were rather unimpressed when I would talk to one of them for too long! If I picked them up, you made quite the noisy scene. When your daddy picked up Auntie Rachel’s puppy, you suddenly needed him to hold you! This could be a rather interesting scenario in a few months…
- We’ve been talking about your baby brother quite a bit these days. A few weeks ago, you were eating (for the first time that morning, so it was rather serious business) and your brother was squirming all over. You scrunched your eyebrows the first few times he moved, then stopped eating and looked at me for a minute. The next time he moved, you jammed your little elbow into that spot! I think you’re in denial, Nora Mae!
- Outside is still a favorite for you, Eleanor. You methodically pick grass, leaves, and sometimes small sticks. Often, these things go into your mouth, but you sometimes you move them from hand to hand and inspect them. Speaking of outside, you get dirty SO quickly these days!
- You and I enrolled in a parent/child swim class and you, my little water baby, are absolutely loving it! The very 1st day, you clapped your hands and squealed with delight when we got in the water. The 2nd day? You crawled right into the water yourself! When I hold you on your belly, you’ll flail your arms around, “kick” your legs, and put your face in the water. You have no sense of fear, not even a healthy dose of it! (We knew you were strange when you purposefully put your face under the faucet during bath time!) I’m glad you love the water so much!
- For many months now, you and your daddy would blow raspberries at each other—especially when he’d get home from work. Well, you are now “spitting” at many people these days! It’s a form of endearment for you—but I’m not sure others view it this way! :)
- You stayed overnight with Pops and Grams a few weeks ago! Your daddy & I were moderately traumatized, but you did perfectly fine! We need to “practice” a couple of nights away before your baby brother arrives! (No, you were not spoiled at all while you were away!)
- Since I’m trying to convince people that you do, indeed, grow…let’s talk about what size clothes you’re in! You’re in 6-9 month and 9 month clothes. SO BIG, I KNOW!!! You even have a couple of dresses that are 6-12 months…they only come to your ankles! ;) We put a 12 month outfit on your adorable little self a week ago. The onesie came PAST your knees and the shorts literally fell off when you stood up. Your size 2 sandals will stay on your feet, though--as long as you don’t pull on them too much!
I love your enthusiasm and sense of adventure!
Love always,