You’re a month already, Baby Boy! Our days are flying by and your newborn squishiness is fading already.
- You’re a pretty laid back little guy—as long as you’re not hungry! Your favorite things to do are sleep, eat, and poop ;) If you’re getting hungry, you let out 1 cry, which we call the “warning” cry. You’ll wait ever-so-patiently for about 60 seconds, then work yourself into the “yelling” cry. You have the ability to turn yourself as red as a tomato during your yelling cry!
- During the daytime, you like your pacifier. Nightime? You think it’s the most ridiculous thing! When you’re swaddled at bedtime, we leave your right arm out. You reeeeeaaly like your right arm near your face and you’ve been trying to suck your right thumb at night time. Oliver, you sleep on your back and actually prefer it that way.
- Sweet Oliver, you are SO hairy. You’ve got back hair that could compete with any grown man! And you’re sporting tufts of hair on the back of your ears. I was assured that this hair would fall out, but you seem to be hanging on to it. Speaking of hair, you have a decent amount of it on your head! Fingers crossed, THAT hair doesn’t all fall out!
- You have a birthmark on your lower lip. When you were born, the doctor tried to convince me it was a bruise. It’s just one more way you’re totally unique!
- Most of the time, you’re a good sleeper (for a newborn, that is!)…but you are the NOISIEST little sleeper! Your daddy and I have both gotten up at different times at night because we were certain you were awake--when you were actually still asleep!
- Diaper changes have to be fast. That’s all I’m going to say about that! #boymom
- Sometimes, you do what we call “swimming arms”. You’ll stretch your arms above your head and then reach as far away from your little body as possible. When you do this repetitively, it looks like you’re trying to swim.
- This month, some of your firsts included: 1st trip to church, 1st trip to Illinois, 1st trip to your pediatrician, 1st trip to the chiropractor, 1st trip to MOPS. (Your first roadtrip was a quick one--a mere 24 hours in Illinois. Grams came to our house on a Wednesday evening, we left Thursday morning and then came home on Friday. You handled the car ride like a champ!)
- You had an ultrasound of your hips to rule out hip dysplasia because your hips were extra “clicky“. Thankfully, they said all is well and that you have “extremely elastic tissue”.
- You’re in newborn clothes and newborn diapers. HOWEVER, you are actually trying to outgrow some of your newborn clothes. Your daddy wanted to know why I had capri pants on you the other day! ;) Your sister could still comfortably wear newborn clothes at 2 months, but I don’t think that will be the case for you.
- At 13 days, you were still sporting your umbilical stump. Truthfully, you were smelling like “rotting cord” and I mean that in the most loving way possible ;) One morning, I had you undressed and was getting ready to change your diaper. Eleanor was nearby, of course. As I reached over to grab a wipe, she ever so quickly removed your umbilical stump, then held it up for me to see (with a smile on her face). You were slightly disgruntled about this event (meaning you grunted and squirmed for about it for 15 seconds). Mommy had a near-breakdown, but you really were ok—and I was glad that stinky thing was gone!
- At 1 month, you weigh 8 pounds & 8 ounces (13th percentile), are 21 inches long (33rd percentile), and your head measures 14 ¾ inches (75th percentile). As I was telling your pediatrician that you’re much too big already, she smiled and said, “My babies weighed more than this at birth.” Nonetheless, you seem to be outgrowing this newborn phase in a hurry!
We're so thankful you’re here, Oliver! You're definitely my favorite son!
Love always,