Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Oliver Frank at 3 months

Dear Oliver,

Sweet, sweet boy—it seems nearly impossible that you’ve only been here 3 short months already. You’re already so much a part of this family that it seems like you’ve always been here J
  • At 3 months old, you’re becoming more fun by the day! For real, though—you’re getting more interactive and it’s my favorite! I love how chatty and expressive you are.
  • You’ve recently discovered you have hands and they are the COOLEST. They’re so fun to stare at, scratch your face with, and put in your mouth.
  • You enjoy sitting up and seeing the action, whatever that may be. Eleanor is absolutely DYING for you to get up and play with her. You two are going to best friends; so glad you will grow up together!
  • You have a big smile! It takes up your whole face & when you smile--your eyes almost disappear. 
  • You had a clogged tear duct (that you’ve had since birth), but I’m happy to say that it is FINALLY all better. As glad as I am that it cleared up, it’s a little strange to see your left eye not watering constantly.
  • Sweet Boy, you’re helping keep this Mama of yours sane by SLEEPING. You may not realize how important this is, but just know I appreciate it very much! You sleep about 10 hours straight at night. 10 HOURS!!!! 10 HOURS!!!! (And I refuse to believe I’m “jinxing” your sleep habits by typing this.)
  • You are a “low maintenance fella”, according to your Daddy. Most of the time, this is a true statement!
  • You’re still rolling from belly to back. On your back, you will roll to your side—but not all the way to your belly. If you’re anything like your big sister, you’ll be crawling before you roll from back to belly!
  • You had your 1st Thanksgiving & looked completely adorable in a brown onesie and striped pants with a turkey on the butt J
  • You have already mastered the poochy lip—and I do mean “mastered” it!
  • You were dedicated at church the day after your 2 month birthday. We were thrilled to have both sets of grandparents and 3 of your aunties come witness this special day with us.
  • Sweet, Oliver—you have absolutely no neck. I mean, not even a little neck. You have a giant, square head sitting on top of your shoulders.
  • You're wearing 0-3 month/3 month clothes and size 1 diapers (still), so while you are growing--most babies your age are bigger than you! #smallbutmighty

We love you, Little Turkey!
Love always,