At 4 months, you are so very giggly. You have an amazing belly laugh--and yes, your eyes still almost disappear when that big grin takes over your face!
Here’s a few things I want to remember about your 4 month self:
- You love to be in the ring sling. Grumpy? Cuddly? Chatty? Overstimulated? Unsure? Excited? You love to be all cocooned in right next to me. I’m eating it up right now because well…you’ll be a toddler before I know it!
- You’re beginning to show interest in toys. Small teething toys, single plastic rings, and your 0’ball are a few that you like. Your activity mat is also a hit--so many toys to swing and kick at. Nora Mae tries to bury you in toys, hoping you’ll jump up and play with her.
- Your 1st Christmas was pretty special. As expected, you had no interest in any presents. You preferred to be swaddled and held.
- A couple days after Christmas, Grams, Auntie Em, and I took you to Chicago for our annual shopping trip. It was your first time riding the train. You seemed thrilled :) The real reason you went is because your food supply was going and I’m pretty sure you would have been sad without me.
- You usually take a short nap, right after we eat supper. However, you seem to protest quite loudly during that catnap now, because you‘re “not tired“. Occasionally, you get antisocial in the evenings. You literally want to be laid down and left alone; you don’t want anyone to mess with you. Some times you scoot around, some times you chat, and other times you’re pretty quiet. Your daddy gets this way sometime, too :)
- This Mama is afraid you’re trying to grow teeth. Really though, there’s no need for teeth for AT LEAST SEVERAL MORE MONTHS. Trust me on this one. Your hands are in your mouth 24/7.
- Speaking of eating, you are one distracted little dude when you eat--oh look, LIGHTS!
- After months of being swaddled (and absolutely loving it!), you do not seem to enjoy it very much anymore. You prefer trying to scoot yourself around (on your belly) or grab your feet. You love it when we sit you up so you can see what all the noise is about, too.
- 10 days AFTER your 4 month birthday, you weighed 12 pounds & 9 ounces (2nd%) and are 23.75 inches long (2nd%). Your head is in the 50th percentile. You've gained 2 pounds in the last 2 months--but most 4 month olds are bigger than you!
- At 4 months, you’re in size 1 diapers and 0-3/3 month clothes. HOWEVER, 1 whole week ago, I pulled out your 6 month sleepers, 3-6 month socks AND 3-6 month shoes. You’ve completely outgrown 0-6 month hats.
Last January, we were super excited to learn that we were having another baby. And now, we have the sweetest 4 month old little boy! Love you, Oliver Frank!
Love always,