Thursday, July 13, 2017

Oliver Frank at 10 months

Little Fella, here we are again. Ten months. You’re out to prove that you’re *not* a baby anymore & Mama isn’t ready for it!
At 10 months, you’re even more fun than you were a month ago :)

  • You can stand up in your crib. Thankfully, the novelty wore off after 4 days and you decided to lay down and sleep (like you’re suppose to!)…
  • Like a champ, you took off crawling on your mama’s birthday. She nearly cried, but we won’t talk about that! You’re quite the speedy little boy these days, Oliver. Keeping up with your Sissy is a full-time job. 
  • Remember what I said about growing way too fast? Well, you’re still doing just that—and your Mohawk isn’t very noticeable anymore. Thankfully, you’re *still* doing your goofy chuckle. 
  • Last week, you started saying “Dada”. As you can imagine, Daddy was SO proud! I tried raining on his parade by saying you didn’t *really* know what you were saying, but he didn’t buy it! You are a very chatty little boy and I’m sure you’ll be talking in no time. 
  • You’re rocking 2 naps a day and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. You love to sleep!
  • Oliver Frank, you are getting more expressive and showing your rotten determined side. When you get a grip on something you want, you noisily express your dislike if anyone tries to get it out of your chubby hands. 
  • You LOVE to hang upside down. You will regularly flip backwards while I'm holding you...just to view the light or fan. 
  • Your first visit to the splash pad was a hit! You were thrilled that we let you crawl all over and get soaked. We also recently finished your first round of "swimming lessons". You weren't thrilled about the cool water, but water is definitely growing on you! 
  • As much as you want to be a big boy, you can't resist your paci. We're on the countdown to get rid of it, but we won't talk about that yet! 
  • You've mastered those sweet, slobbery kisses. You'll grab my face, give it your best kiss, and then grin because you're SO proud. I wouldn't find this nearly so adorable if you weren't my favorite son ;) 
Slow down, Sweet Boy! I’d freeze this age if I could.

Love always,