Thursday, May 5, 2011

Adventures in April

I’m not very good at this whole blogging thing, considering it’s been over a month since I posted anything…but I’m going to use this crazy thing called school as my excuse. It has been totally and completely insane! I *thought* this would be an easy semester since I’m only taking 13 credits, but it didn’t work quite like I had planned. Fortunately, I just have 1 more paper to write and 3 more finals to take. The end is FINALLY in sight!
If you’re easily grossed out or are eating right now, you may not want to read the rest of this…consider yourself warned J Believe it or not, this actually happened. (Yes, I really do have a gift for awkward situations, and this was no exception.)
Random: Last Thursday, I was going to throw some laundry in…and there was a loaf of bread on the floor. One side of the bag was all shredded, but I thought we had a mouse (or more likely, mice) in the house, which has happened before. That didn’t concern me that much since I’m an expert mouse killer J (You may or may not remember how I “took care of” the last mouse I found.) We put out some mouse traps and proceeded with our day, not really giving it a second thought.
That same Thursday, I headed home for the weekend. The time went by way too fast, just like it always does…maybe I’ll have to blog about the craziness in watching 4 kiddos plus Neva, but I’ll save that for another time.
Anyway…I got back to IL on Sunday night. While I was carrying my stuff downstairs, I smelled something horrible…like, really disgusting. I put my backpack on the couch, but when I walked into bedroom…There was poop (literal crap) all over the carpet. So I quickly picked up my backpack and went back upstairs.
Next, I called my mom to find out what in the world I’m suppose to do…and I was obviously completely and totally hysterical at this point. Can you blame me?! (At this point, Grandpa wasn’t home yet.) So I’m sitting in a house by myself with some sort of animal poop on my bedroom floor. When Grandpa got home, he obviously had no idea what was downstairs. Mom had called him to make sure he would be home soon, and filled him in on this “situation”. Once he got back, we cleaned up what we could of the whole mess. We got a piece of something (plywood?) and put it in front of the steps, hoping that this mystery animal would be stuck downstairs. We also put a live trap down there. Grandpa got a flashlight and was looking under/around everything downstairs…and I was on the other side of the plywood! We decided to shut my bedroom door and bathroom door because we were pretty certain that “it” was not in either of those places.
 I started carrying my stuff upstairs (to the main level) because I couldn’t leave it downstairs in a basement that smelled like crap! J
So…I didn’t sleep well Sunday night because we had some sort of wild animal in the house, and it obviously did not belong! Monday came and went, with no sign of the animal. But that all changed on Tuesday J
Grandpa had been in the garage, and when he came in the house, he saw a gray tomcat dart right under his desk (which is in the green room). So, he picked up this metal pipe-thing and was ready to whack it…but it wasn’t under his desk, even though he had just seen it run under there. This cat had taken the register out, and run straight down! Now, we know it’s cat, and we know where it went…but we don’t know where else it can get to or how to get it back out…
When I got home from school, Grandpa tells me that it’s a cat. I thought he meant he had caught the cat, and that it was no longer in the house…but that’s not how it went. So, we shut the door to the green room, and carried in another door to block the 2nd doorway in the green room. We also put the live trap in there, hoping that eventually he would get hungry and come out the same way.
Tuesday night came and went, but he still hadn’t been caught. (I did sleep better that night because there are no vents in the room I was in.)
Finally, Wednesday morning about 7, the cat got hungry and went in the trap! WE CAUGHT HIM…and that was the end of him! J

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