Saturday, December 29, 2012

December Recap

A couple weeks ago, I finished another semester and then went to Indiana to spend time with my fiancé and his family.
2 really big things about that sentence ^^

1.       I finished semester #2 of nursing school. It was an insanely hectic semester, and I’m finally a senior in college! I’m so thankful for the people who prayed for me all semester long, but especially during finals—I ended up being pretty sick that week, and it was truly a miracle I was able to think clearly for all those cumulative exams!
2.       Fiancé? Did you catch that word? I LOVE being able to say that! More on that later…maybe ;)

For now, I’m moving onto Christmas Adventures…maybe Christmas Chaos would be more appropriate?!
Christmas Adventures began for Micah and I in mid-December, when I headed to Indiana for the weekend. We had a couple of get-togethers with his family. The weekend was full: My future sister-in-law had a cookie exchange at her house on Friday (; an extended family Christmas gathering on Saturday; church and another Christmas on Sunday. Those weekends make me even more ready to just be in Indiana and not have this back-and-forth nonsense!

The following week on Thursday, Micah came to Illinois. On Friday, we headed to Wisconsin to celebrate Christmas with my immediate family. The weekend went by WAY too quickly, but we had a really good, relaxing time. On Sunday night, Micah, Thomas, Emma, Neva, and I found ourselves back in Illinois.

Mom and Dad couldn’t come to Illinois for Christmas this year because of Dad’s surgery. He fell and shattered his wrist the week before, and had to have surgery on Christmas Eve! 1 shiny plate and 11 pins later, his wrist is back together again J He does not recommend falling on the ice and shattering your wrist—he claims it’s rather painful. Fortunately, he’s recovering quite well!

I had to work on Christmas Eve, then Micah and I headed to Indiana. We spent Christmas at his parent’s house; Micah’s brother, sister-in-law, sister, and nephew were there, too…It was a nice Christmas day, and I really do love his family J

Christmas this year was awesome, relaxing, fun, and different—maybe even a little bittersweet? It was full of firsts and lasts, too…First time I didn’t spend Christmas day with my family. First time I spent Christmas with my fiancé and his family, in another state. First time I’d traveled to 3 states in 4 days over Christmas break. Last Christmas before our wedding.  Lots of other “lasts”, but I’m assuming most people quit reading 3 paragraphs ago, so I won’t bore you with the rest of them J

I’m consistently overwhelmed with this crazy, amazing, wonderful life God has SO richly blessed me with! Looking forward to 2013 with great anticipation! “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” ~C.S. Lewis

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