It's been another busy month, and you keep growing like a weed...a very adorable little weed, just to clarify! You attract the attention of people everywhere we go--I'm confident it's because you're so cute! This month alone, 4 different people have asked me if you were a preemie! {39 weeks is NOT early, I can assure you!}
This 3rd month has been a busy one!
- Your newborn "squishiness" is quickly disappearing. When you fall asleep, you're stretching out more and more all the time. I'm trying to enjoy each and every day--because you're growing right before my eyes!
- You're in size 1 diapers and 0-3/3 month clothes and sleepers. But you're HUGE, I tell you! So big.
- You've developed a love of music recently. Your swing has music (that occupies you for quite a while), and I have a lullaby album on my phone that you like, too.
- You have plenty of toys, but you aren't terribly impressed with them. However, I love playing with your toys! :) You discovered your hands...and oh my, you find them to be so interesting! Sometimes, you hold them up and inspect them--as if you've never seen anything so neat. I can't wait until you realize you have feet!
- I'm convinced you really do love books. You will stare at them and "talk" to them, too.
- Sweet Baby, you're already trying to be independent. You seem to enjoy laying on your blanket and *gasp* not have anyone holding you. If you've had a "people-filled"day and are a little fussy, putting you down on your blanket does the trick!
- While you're eating, you "scrunch" your eyebrows--like eating takes all your concentration. It's adorable. Growing is hard work.
- Your biggest smiles almost always happen in the morning.
- I ventured back to work this month (on a very, very part-time basis). Your Auntie Em watched you, and I knew you were in good hands!
- Your daddy took you to AppleWorks one beautiful afternoon. It was your first of many dates with him. He's crazy about you!
- You spent an afternoon at your Grammy and Papaw's house a few weeks ago, so your daddy and I could go on a date. It was a fun Saturday--for all involved :)
- You and I went to the Covered Bridge Festival with your Auntie Rachel. You rode in your stroller and were quite content to look around.
- Nora Mae, you experienced your first flight this month. You and I flew with Grams and Auntie Em to visit your great-great Uncle Bob and great-great Aunt Esther in Florida. You're definitely a water baby!
Love always,
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