Oh, Sweet Boy, I’ve been trying to write this blog post for the last 10 days. Let’s see how far we get today. You’re as adorable as ever. Those little smirks and smiles are simply to die for! Oh, and those squishy cheeks? They’re also my favorite!
Here’s what you’re doing at 2 months…
- You’re much more alert and awake for longer periods of time. You’re starting to get chatty (occasionally), especially when Eleanor is playing nearby. You also make a grunting noise when you "get nervous". Typically, this involves your sister nearly squishing you as she does her very best to be affectionate!
- One of your favorite things is being swaddled. I wrap you up like a little burrito for naptimes and bedtime. It almost always calms you right down! You also love your swing & I love that your sweet sister hasn’t figured out how to pull you out of it :)
- Opening day of gun hunting fell on your 2 month birthday. Your daddy is hoping that you’ll be a hunter.
- Daddy calls you by your middle name, Frank. He’s done this since you were in my belly and he probably won’t ever stop :) He is crazy about you!
- We took you to the Kelley Reunion and you got to meet more of your family. You are certainly a popular little fella, Oliver, and you didn't mind being passed around.
- You, Sweet Boy, are a good little sleeper. You go to sleep around 9pm, then usually wake up around 1 or 2am. You get moved back into Mommy and Daddy’s room, where you sleep for a couple more hours. You typically think you’re starving between 3:30am and 4:30am :) Then it’s back to sleep until 7 or so. Most days, you & Eleanor take afternoon naps at the same time.
- Your new “trick” this month is rolling from belly to back. It works out pretty well for you, as you’re not a big fan of your belly. You started rolling at 7 weeks and I nearly cried because you're "growing up". Your daddy tried to calm me down by saying "Frank will still be in diapers for a while." :)
- Much to my dismay, your hair started falling out. I was really hoping you’d keep some of that fluffy stuff on your head, but you are rocking a Mohawk! As for the hair on your back and tufts of hair on your ears? Well, you’re keeping it for now!
- At 2 months, you weighed 10 ½ pounds (13th%), are 22 inches long (26th%), and have a head circumference in the 60th percentile! You’re in 1 size diapers and 0-3/3 month clothes. Nearly all of your newborn clothes have been put away, with the exception of a few onesies that still fit. I feel that you're getting much too big, but most people look at me like I'm crazy when I talk about how big you are. Various family members think you'll catch up to your sister in no time, but I have a feeling you'll stay pretty small. Time will tell!
Love always,
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