Thursday, February 16, 2017

Eleanor Mae at 18 months

18 months, Pretty Girl. One and a half YEARS. 
  • Nora Mae, you hide things quite well. Shoes, puzzle pieces, a lone sock, fingernail clippers, Oliver’s pacifiers, and any other small objects you can swipe and quickly tuck away.
  • We are working on learning colors. You know red and green pretty well. Your favorite puzzle pieces happen to be a red oval and a green circle. You have a variety of puzzles; other favorite toys include Tupperware, empty boxes, your little purple purse, activity cube, and plastic spoons.
  • Shortly after you turned 13 months, you had a horrible cold that turned into bronchitis.  It was your 1st round of antibiotics and your Mama was so afraid of you being sick when your baby brother arrived. (Thankfully, you were much better when Oliver arrived!)
Your 1st Pumpkin Festival {14 months}
  • For several months (13 months-16 months), you would lay on your belly and spin yourself around with your arms. Then you’d grin at us because it was a “trick”. While you don’t do it anymore, you use to put your hand on your forehead, like “give me a break”. You would do it at moments that proved extra funny. :) One of your favorite games right now is running away, then stopping to ensure someone is chasing after you. When you see that someone is chasing you, you squeal and then continue running.

  • At 16 months, you had 4 teeth (2 on top and 2 on bottom). At 18 months, you have 10 teeth (3 on top, 3 on bottom, plus 1 year molars). I don’t recommend getting 5 teeth in all at once. It was a rough couple weeks!
  • At nearly 16 months, you weighed 17 pounds and 6 ounces (3rd%), were 29 inches long (3rd%), and your head was in the 85th%! Historically, you’ve been a poor eater. Shortly before Christmas, your eating habits improved (as in, you were actually EATING!). Foods that you consistently eat: yogurt, peanut butter, scrambled eggs, cheese, sausage, green beans, and graham crackers. At 18 months, you weighed a whopping 17 pounds and 15 ounces (2nd%), are 29 ½ inches long(2nd%), and your head is in the 92nd percentile!
  • At 18 months, you are only consistently saying “Dada” and “Mamama”. You said “ball” “baby” and “cake” very distinctly, but only a couple of times. One of these days, I’m expecting you to start speaking in full sentences! While you don’t talk much, you are quite good at making your presence known J You sign “milk” and “more”. We’re working on “please”, “thank you”, “all done” and “toilet”. You’ve recently begun shaking your head “no”--and you certainly mean “no”!!!
  • When you get excited, you still flail both your arms around. When we’re picking you up, you kick both your legs.

  • The arrival of Oliver was a big adjustment. You mostly ignored him for the 1st 10 days of his life. Occasionally, you’d look at him--but newborns really aren’t that interesting! In the morning, when you got up (Oliver was 11 days old), you marched up to the rock n play (in the kitchen), flashed me your big, beautiful smile, and you gently rocked “your baby”. Mama melted. You’ve loved him ever since!
  • You’re wearing 6-12 month, 9 month, 12 month, and even some 12-18 month clothes. (Straight up 18 months is too big at this point). You’re in size 3 diapers and size 4 shoes. You’ll be in size 3 diapers until you’re potty-trained!
  • You absolutely adore your baby aka “Brudder”. You give kisses so gently and are obsessed with trying to grab his face. You also do lots of helpful things, like quickly locating Oliver’s pacifier when he is crying, getting burp rags, and stuffing toys around wherever he is. You are very good at giving your baby “loves” (aka hugs) and lots of kisses. It is so very sweet! Oh, and your baby brother has absolutely NO personal space.
  •  At 18 months, you’re quite the little sponge—always absorbing what is going on around you. You’re still my water baby, Nora Mae. Bath time is always a hit—although you strongly dislike having to put pajamas on when your bath is done! You’re a Daddy’s girl and you love being outside. You cannot get enough of Beau and Jake. I think you’re right-handed. We’re still working on coloring on the paper, instead of putting the crayon in your mouth (they’re non-toxic, right?!). I love that you follow me around and “help” with anything I’m doing.

Eleanor Mae, you’re sweet, sassy, and energetic. You are a determined little girl; I see you as a future leader...definitely a take-charge, no-nonsense person! You’re a complete joy and you challenge this Mama to grow in patience! Stay little, Peanut. We love you!

Love always,

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