Monday, June 19, 2017

Oliver Frank at 9 months

Dear Oliver,

You *seriously* have gotten cuter and you were soooo cute to begin with! ;) Not that I’m biased or anything, but those blue eyes have completely stolen my heart. Oh, and those chubby legs—can’t get enough! You’re looking waaaaaay too grown up these days.

·         At 9 months, you’ve started “fighting back” and not letting Sissy take your toys. You no longer let go when she tries to take something from you and she isn’t quite sure what to make of that just yet. I pray you two really do grow up as best friends!
·         We went to Turkey Run on Mother’s Day and you were quite content to “ride” in the ergo. After all, Mama really is your favorite person & I’m going to use that to my full advantage for as long as I possibly can.
·         Holy allergies, Batman! You’ve got the watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and all the other fun stuff that goes along with that. Sweet Oliver, you’re basically allergic to everything outside. And yes, we’re hoping you’ll outgrow some of that!
·         Nora Mae calls you Bubba and Daddy calls you Frank. I don't see either of these things changing. 
·         Gone are the days I can sit you in a laundry basket…You stood right up and tipped the whole thing over! You’ve also started the neat “trick” of pulling up on the couch and then letting go.
·         You love love love your jumper. Sissy can’t knock you over and you think you’re king of the world.
·         Little Fella, you’re not super motivated when it comes to moving. You will (very) occasionally scoot around on your belly, but you haven’t figured out how to get your belly off the you flail your arms around and “yell”. We call this the “beached whale” :)
·         You’re waving AND clapping…sometimes. Nora Mae was ecstatic the first time you clapped at her. She thinks she taught you how to clap and she couldn’t be more proud. (She routinely goes up to you and starts clapping, with the hope that you’ll clap, too. It’s adorable!)
·         You hit QUITE a growth spurt and were certain Mama was starving you. Oliver, you can put away the food. As we’ve already established, you got my love of food! You prefer veggies over fruit and will eat anything…except for pepperoni.
·         At 9 months, you’re a *whopping* 16 pounds and 11 ounces (7th percentile) and 26 ¾ inches long (3rd percentile). Maybe you’re not as big as we think?! As it customary in our family, you are a big-headed little person and your head is in the 78th percentile! Size 3 diapers, 6 month, 9 month, and (gasp!) 6-12 month clothes are what you’re wearing these days. You’re following your own little curve and you’ve got the rolls and cankles to prove it!

We love you, Sweet Boy…more than you know! 

Love always,


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