Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Adventures in Indiana

In case you are still one of the 3 people who actually reads this blog, I’ll just state the obvious: I really blog so I remember the “little things”. Sure, I’ll blog about the rest of our vacation at some point, but I want to remember the simple, everyday occurrences because I can so easily take them for granted. I want to be purposefully thankful for what God has given me!

After clinical on Friday, I headed to Indiana. Micah and I went to his brother’s house, and this is what I saw…Micah’s brother, “J”, is standing in his dining room with a blowgun. He proceeds to tape balloons to his back door and subsequently use them as targets. These were not just any balloons—they were heart-shaped, but only partially blown up. They resembled a cat once a face was drawn on them. This IS how you entertain yourself on a Friday night, right?!

With my school schedule this semester, I had a few assignments that required attention on Saturday morning. Mom texted me to ask about invitations, but the picture didn't come through. Eventually, I was able to see the picture, and I told her to buy them :) She also bought programs. According to her and Emma, they are going to "tweak" the invitations and programs quite a bit--I'm excited to see what they have in mind :) And, since were on the wedding topic, I'll just add more one thing: Micah and I may have found our "unity candle". It's a little...nontraditional, sort of. But Emma thinks with a little bedazzling, it will work just fine :)

On Saturday afternoon, Micah and I (along with 6 other family members) headed to Indianapolis for some shopping and a hockey game. We went to Circle Center Mall, which is 4 levels. Think Mall of America. Anyway, Micah’s nephew, “W”, had never been to an indoor mall in his life. An 8 year old that had never been to a mall—“W” didn’t really know what such a thing was or why you would want to go in the first place. He became more impressed with his mall experience after finding the candy store!

We all had supper at the mall, then Micah and I got a Cinnabon. (That’s totally NOT on my “wedding diet”!) Don’t tell Emma! ;) Eventually, we made it to the hockey game. Our team lost, but hockey really is a fun sport to watch. However, I was disappointed they didn’t let the guys fight—that’s one of the best parts!
Sunday came quickly—we went to church, then to my future in-laws J We all had lunch together, then celebrated Micah’s birthday. His mom had made one of her delicious pies—this one was cherry. “W” made Micah a card—on the front cover, it said “What is ugly and sweet?” On the inside, it said “Micah and pie!” It was hilarious! The day was fun.

It was another adventure—and seriously, you can’t make this stuff up! ;) Today is Micah’s birthday; it was a little sad not to spend this day together, but I’m thankful for the time we had over the weekend. I’m seriously so blessed to have him in my life! 

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