Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weekend in Cocoa Beach: (Vacation Part I)

Since I’m sure many of you are anxiously waiting for the next segment of the Bunton Family Vacation, I’ll continue on. In case you missed it, that was sarcastic ^^ ;)

8:30 am: Mom’s tooth is fixed, gas tank is full, breakfast is being eaten (Krispy Kreme and Starbuck’s), and we are finally, FINALLY on our way to Florida. As you can imagine, it was quite exciting. We drove and drove, then drove some more. Friday afternoon, I got a call informing me that I was receiving $500 toward my spring semester! Financially, this semester has been (and continues to be) very tight, so this was absolutely an answer to prayer, as it allows me to be debt-free for a little bit longer.

While driving through Atlanta, in fairly significant traffic, this is the conversation that transpired:
     Emma: This is worse than driving through Madison!
     Dad: It’s Atlanta, Georgia!
     Emma: I don’t know where Atlanta, Georgia is!!
…Maybe you had to be there, but I still find it rather hilarious.

After grabbing supper at Chik-Fil-A that night, we made it to our hotel in Cocoa Beach around 3:30 am. It was 60 degrees—in the middle of the night!

The next day (Saturday), we headed to Ron Jon, which was within walking distance of our hotel. We got a few souvenirs, then had lunch at “a N.Y. Pizza House”. In the afternoon, Thomas tried his hand at surfing while the rest of us enjoyed quality time at the beach—soaking up the sunshine!

No day could be complete without some sort of—wrinkle. Before leaving our hotel that morning, Mom realized she forgot to pack any of her sandals! (We found out later she had left them on the ping pong table in the basement…in Wisconsin!). Much to the dismay of Emma, Mom, and I, we were forced to head to the mall for some shoe shopping. On our way back from the shoe shopping expedition, we stopped for ice cream at the “Ice Cream Junction”, a local place with delicious hand-dipped ice cream.

Sunday was another relaxing day for us. We headed for breakfast at Dunkin’ Donuts. Dark chocolate hot chocolate and blueberry munchkins (donut holes) made my morning—I highly recommend both of these things, but am glad (for the sake of my jeans fitting) that there is not a Dunkin’ Donuts nearby J Thomas wanted to try surfing again, so Emma and Dad went along to watch. Mom and I walked on the beach for a while (which is *quite* the workout. Don’t believe me? Go walk through sand!), and collected some sea shells. Mid-seventies and sunny, white sand in between your toes, waves rolling in…you can picture it, right?? That afternoon, we came back to the pool and talked about wedding stuff.

Here’s the “funnies” from Sunday:
     Dad (in the pool): Look, I found a toy!
     Emma (laying out by the pool): I say so many things, and then think ‘wow, I’m an idiot’!

On our way to supper….
     Thomas: I wonder what kind of injuries you would get around here?
     Dad (quickly responds): Python squeezes!

At supper…
     Emma: I’m gonna move to Florida and just live off the government. That way, I can be at the beach every day!
…Maybe she’s on to something?!

That brings me to talk about food…again. We ate slightly ridiculous amounts of delicious food on this vacation. We tried out this place called “Florida Seafood”; it was a local, family-owned place about 10 minutes away. Food was amazing! Emma and I shared blackened Tilapia with garlic butter pasta. And our waitress kept bringing these corn fritters—think funnel cake, only better!

After our seafood dinner that night, we headed back to the hotel. Dad and Thomas watched football in the lobby while Mom, Emma, and I did some re-packing—We watched the premiere of Biggest Loser at 9. Watching people work out made us feel better about all the corn fritters we had eaten only a few hours prior J    
Monday morning arrived, and we spent the morning walking around some shops that were nearby. At noon, we shuttled to the port. Just prior to actually getting on the cruise ship, Thomas says “I’m gonna touch the butt”! (Finding Nemo, people…surely you’ve seen Finding Nemo?)

…This is just the beginning of our cruise, but I’ll have to blog about the rest of it later. 

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