Thursday, December 17, 2015

Eleanor Mae at 5 months

Dear Eleanor,

1 year ago today, your daddy and I went to the doctor to hear your heartbeat for the very first time. Your strong little heart was beating away at 167 beats a minute. We saw your tiny little bean-shaped body and decided that you were, in fact, the cutest person we'd ever seen!

  • You blow "raspberries" AKA "drool bubbles". If you belonged to anyone else, I wouldn't be nearly as impressed by this...Speaking of drool, your hands are almost always wet. Because your favorite place to put them is in your mouth. 
  • You're taking bottles again. What changed? Well, that's a very good question. We don't know the answer. But we're pretty thrilled about this turn of events! 
  • Nora Mae, you pull your socks off every chance you get. You will even stick your toes in your mouth for a minute, then go back to sucking your fingers because they're easier to reach :) 
  • We've struggled with sleep...or lack thereof this month. You had been getting up one time, around 4 or 5 am. But you decided to mix it up and wake up every couple of hours (to eat, of course!) I'm happy to see you've been doing much better this week and we're back to our normal routine. 
  • When you're sitting up or lying down, you almost always cross your ankles. It's adorable! 
  • You have long, beautiful eyelashes. I'll add that to the list of things you DIDN'T get from me. Sigh. 
  • I've packed away nearly all of your 3 month clothes, and you're in 3-6/6 month clothes already. Hopefully, your daddy won't notice that you have an entire Rubbermaid tub of clothes you've already outgrown! Remember what I said about growing? You can stop now! 
  • You love being in just a diaper. No clothes. No socks. Your daddy jokingly says you're "indecent" when he comes home and finds you happily playing like this. These days, you pull on the front of your shirt. Part of the time, it's your attempt at stuffing the shirt in your mouth. Other times, it's just something to do! 
  • You're working on sitting up, Eleanor. When you're propped on the couch, you'll try to pull yourself forward. Usually, you lean too far to the right and wind up on your side (and then belly). 
  • Pops and Grams got you an activity gym/floor mat for Christmas. It is your absolute favorite, and you can entertain yourself for a few minutes! 
  • You've tried bites of food: single grain oatmeal cereal, carrots, green beans, sweet potato, corn, apple, banana, and pear. Sweet potato has been your favorite--you ate 4 whole bites! 
  • Your blanket and "Floppy" are two things you love. You rub your face on your blanket when you're getting tired. You put your arm over Floppy (a stuffed dog) when you nap. I'm not brave enough to let you have these things in your crib at night time, but it is adorable when I find you cuddled up with Floppy!  

These months are STILL flying, Pretty Girl. You're almost half a year old! What happened to my little squish?!

Love always,

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Eleanor Mae at 4 months

Dear Eleanor,

Here we are again—you’re another month older! You can stop growing, any time now...Your personality is shining through in some BIG ways, Sweet Girl. 
  • You find ceiling fans to be SO interesting. You will watch them until you’re dizzy. You find them when we’re out and can stare at them for a long time.
  • You’re wearing bibs quite a bit these days. Holy drool, batman! Your daddy is dying for you to get teeth. I’m in no hurry…
  • You roll from belly to back now. Of course, you haven’t mastered how to get from your back to your belly again. Oh, the struggle this is for you!
  •  You went to the Kelley Reunion at the end of October and got to meet more of your extended family. Needless to say, you stole some hearts that day J
  • You’re constantly trying to observe EVERYTHING around you—and that’s exhausting. You get overstimulated in large groups of people. When we take you in a room that is quieter, you’re back to your happy self. (Your daddy doesn’t like large crowds for too long either!)
  • You are quite the noisy little chatterbox. Your “conversations” are the best. You seem to be the most talkative in the morning.
  •  It finally happened. After several weeks of sticking your hands in your mouth (almost non-stop), you have found your thumb. Your LEFT thumb, to be specific ;) It has made car rides enjoyable again. Your daddy and I hear you moving around in your crib at night—and shortly thereafter, we hear you sucking on that thumb. It’s one less thing for me to remember when we go places, too ;) Did I mention it’s COMPLETELY ADORABLE? Because it is. Let’s not think about breaking this habit or the thousands we’ll spend on braces. No, we’re going to enjoy that you have found this thing that makes you so. Incredibly. Happy.
  • Somehow, you manage to kick off your socks while eating. Nearly every time. You’re a veeeeeeerrrry distracted eater these days. I tell your daddy that I’m “wrestling a rhinoceros” some days!
  • Bottles. Oh, those glorious bottles. You have decided they are the most RIDICULOUS invention. Why would any baby drink out of a bottle?! Several weeks ago, I had to come home from work because you would not eat for your daddy. Not even one drop. You’ve taken bottles many times before, but a few weeks ago—well, you decided you didn’t want them anymore! Always keeping us on our toes, you are, Nora Mae!
  • Size 2 diapers is what you’re wearing these days. We even had to pull out your 3-6 month sleepers! You’re growing out of 0-3/3 month clothes, too.
  • You weigh 12 pounds and 4 ounces (13th percentile). You’re SO BIG that you almost didn’t make the chart for length ;) Well, actually you are at the 3rd% percentile for length—apparently, most other 4 month olds are, indeed, bigger than you. But, we have the proof that you are such a smart cookie—your head circumference is 87th% percentile. So, you may be smaller than most babies, but you’re SMARTER ;) 
  • Your smile lights up your whole face. And mine, too! 
        Love always, 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Eleanor Mae at 3 months

Dear Eleanor,

It's been another busy month, and you keep growing like a weed...a very adorable little weed, just to clarify! You attract the attention of people everywhere we go--I'm confident it's because you're so cute! This month alone, 4 different people have asked me if you were a preemie! {39 weeks is NOT early, I can assure you!}

This 3rd month has been a busy one! 
  • Your newborn "squishiness" is quickly disappearing. When you fall asleep, you're stretching out more and more all the time. I'm trying to enjoy each and every day--because you're growing right before my eyes! 
  • You're in size 1 diapers and 0-3/3 month clothes and sleepers. But you're HUGE, I tell you! So big. 
  • You've developed a love of music recently. Your swing has music (that occupies you for quite a while), and I have a lullaby album on my phone that you like, too. 
  • You have plenty of toys, but you aren't terribly impressed with them. However, I love playing with your toys! :) You discovered your hands...and oh my, you find them to be so interesting! Sometimes, you hold them up and inspect them--as if you've never seen anything so neat. I can't wait until you realize you have feet! 
  • I'm convinced you really do love books. You will stare at them and "talk" to them, too. 
  • Sweet Baby, you're already trying to be independent. You seem to enjoy laying on your blanket and *gasp* not have anyone holding you. If you've had a "people-filled"day and are a little fussy, putting you down on your blanket does the trick!
  • While you're eating, you "scrunch" your eyebrows--like eating takes all your concentration. It's adorable. Growing is hard work. 
  • Your biggest smiles almost always happen in the morning. 
  • I ventured back to work this month (on a very, very part-time basis). Your Auntie Em watched you, and I knew you were in good hands! 
  • Your daddy took you to AppleWorks one beautiful afternoon. It was your first of many dates with him. He's crazy about you! 
  • You spent an afternoon at your Grammy and Papaw's house a few weeks ago, so your daddy and I could go on a date. It was a fun Saturday--for all involved :) 
  • You and I went to the Covered Bridge Festival with your Auntie Rachel. You rode in your stroller and were quite content to look around. 
  • Nora Mae, you experienced your first flight this month. You and I flew with Grams and Auntie Em to visit your great-great Uncle Bob and great-great Aunt Esther in Florida. You're definitely a water baby!
Love always, 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Eleanor Mae at 2 months

Dear Eleanor,

Sweet girl, you’re 2 months already and I haven’t figured out how to make time stop. But I’m doing my best to soak in every single day. You've got a couple nicknames. I, affectionately, refer to you as my "little hippo" because you love eating! When I tell people that you're "SO BIG", they usually laugh. I don't think they believe me! Your daddy calls you "Betty" almost all the time.

Here’s some fun things you’re doing these days:

  • You had your 1st night away from your daddy when you and I went to Illinois to surprise Pops. (Your daddy enjoyed sleeping all night!)
  • You love baths. You splash and smile and make my heart melt. Speaking of smiles, you have the most adorable, big, mouth-open grin I’ve ever seen. You’re smiling more and more these days, and I can’t get enough of it. 
  • Around 6 weeks, I packed up your newborn pants. A week later, I put away your newborn onesies and sleepers. You’re in size 1 diapers now, too. (No, I didn’t have a breakdown about how my tiny human is growing much too fast!)
  • Your personality is quite evident already, and there’s nothing tiny about it! You’re a feisty little human, determined to make your wishes known. Your daddy says you’re stubborn, but I prefer the word “determined”. :) 
  • You’ve started scooting around, especially in your crib. You stick your little butt in the air, tuck your legs underneath you, and scoot forward. When you’re getting tired of scooting, you end up going in circles (and it doesn’t impress you one bit)
  • Speaking of cribs, you’re sleeping in yours now! Aaaaand, you’re actually sleeping for 4-6 hour stretches at night. You slept for 8 hours a couple of times, but I think it was a “fluke” :)
  • You find pacifiers to be a complete waste of time, and you’ve decided thumb-sucking isn’t for you either. 
  • Other “firsts” for this month: your first swim and first trip to the chiropractor. You were not very impressed with “swimming”, but we’ll get there. 
  • At 2 months old, you’re up to 10 pounds! Your weight is at the 17th percentile and your head circumference is holding steady at the 65th percentile. You’re 21 ½ inches long now, which puts you at the 3rd percentile for length. Your daddy and I have no idea why you’re so short! ;) 

I love how alert and playful you are these days--and I don’t want to forget just how good this is.

Love always,

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Eleanor Mae at 1 month

Dear Eleanor,

I can't believe we've had you for a whole month! Time is going much too fast already. We love all the ways you've changed our lives forever :)

Here's what I want to remember about your first month (outside my belly, that is!)

  • I love the way you curl up on my chest, with your legs pulled in close. Your  daddy calls this your "comfort position"--it almost always calms you down
  • You snore. and grunt. and FART LIKE A GROWN MAN!! 
  • Your head was made for hats. 
  • You laughed out loud at 10 days old. All 3 of us were sitting on the back deck. You gave us a big "milk coma smile" and then had this adorable little chuckle. I almost cried. 
  • You're still trying to decide if you want to suck your thumb. We saw you suck on your thumb and fingers during an ultrasound. You're not a big fan of pacifiers, and if you're hungry--those pacifiers make you angry! 
  • You have long fingers and toes, like your daddy. But newborn "shoes"? They're still too big. 
  • You have many different "cries". There's the feed me now cry, the yelling cry, the upset belly cry, the "I'm bored" cry. You're doing a good job of letting us know what you need! 
  • You really, really like to eat. Many mornings involve a "feeding frenzy" where you want to eat every 45 minutes for a couple hours. Maybe you'll enjoy lots of breakfast food when you're older? 
  • Speaking of eating, your ability to projectile vomit is quite something! We had no idea a person so small could do this. 
  • During the day, you nap on your belly (in the boppy). 
  • You enjoy our morning walks. You're usually alert and looking around--sometimes, the movement puts you right to sleep. 
  • You like getting baths...but you aren't impressed when we take your clothes off! 
  • You're still in newborn clothes and newborn diapers. You outgrew your preemie outfits around 2 weeks. 
  • You sleep for 3-4 stretches at night (usually), in your swing or rock n play. That beautiful crib we have? You're not a fan of it. 
  • Your first "day trip" was to central Illinois--meeting more of your family. Your Pops, Grams, Auntie Em, Uncle Tom, and Great Grandma Neva all came (from WI) to see you in this first month. 
  • I read to you every day. Your daddy and I love to read--we hope you have this love, too. 
  • You've been shopping (on more than 1 occasion!), to restaurants, your pediatrician's office, the flea market, church, and to the fair. 
  • You weigh 8 pounds and 4 ounces now, which puts you around the 25th percentile. Your head is 65th percentile (because you're a smart cookie!) and you're 20 inches long. At 1 month, you're the size of many newborns :) We nicknamed you our "tiny human", and had no idea how fitting that name would be! 
I love you, sweet girl, and am so thankful God gave us you! 

Love always, 