1 year ago today, your daddy and I went to the doctor to hear your heartbeat for the very first time. Your strong little heart was beating away at 167 beats a minute. We saw your tiny little bean-shaped body and decided that you were, in fact, the cutest person we'd ever seen!
- You blow "raspberries" AKA "drool bubbles". If you belonged to anyone else, I wouldn't be nearly as impressed by this...Speaking of drool, your hands are almost always wet. Because your favorite place to put them is in your mouth.
- You're taking bottles again. What changed? Well, that's a very good question. We don't know the answer. But we're pretty thrilled about this turn of events!
- Nora Mae, you pull your socks off every chance you get. You will even stick your toes in your mouth for a minute, then go back to sucking your fingers because they're easier to reach :)
- We've struggled with sleep...or lack thereof this month. You had been getting up one time, around 4 or 5 am. But you decided to mix it up and wake up every couple of hours (to eat, of course!) I'm happy to see you've been doing much better this week and we're back to our normal routine.
- When you're sitting up or lying down, you almost always cross your ankles. It's adorable!
- You have long, beautiful eyelashes. I'll add that to the list of things you DIDN'T get from me. Sigh.
- I've packed away nearly all of your 3 month clothes, and you're in 3-6/6 month clothes already. Hopefully, your daddy won't notice that you have an entire Rubbermaid tub of clothes you've already outgrown! Remember what I said about growing? You can stop now!
- You love being in just a diaper. No clothes. No socks. Your daddy jokingly says you're "indecent" when he comes home and finds you happily playing like this. These days, you pull on the front of your shirt. Part of the time, it's your attempt at stuffing the shirt in your mouth. Other times, it's just something to do!
- You're working on sitting up, Eleanor. When you're propped on the couch, you'll try to pull yourself forward. Usually, you lean too far to the right and wind up on your side (and then belly).
- Pops and Grams got you an activity gym/floor mat for Christmas. It is your absolute favorite, and you can entertain yourself for a few minutes!
- You've tried bites of food: single grain oatmeal cereal, carrots, green beans, sweet potato, corn, apple, banana, and pear. Sweet potato has been your favorite--you ate 4 whole bites!
- Your blanket and "Floppy" are two things you love. You rub your face on your blanket when you're getting tired. You put your arm over Floppy (a stuffed dog) when you nap. I'm not brave enough to let you have these things in your crib at night time, but it is adorable when I find you cuddled up with Floppy!
These months are STILL flying, Pretty Girl. You're almost half a year old! What happened to my little squish?!
Love always,
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