Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 6 months

Dear Eleanor,

You’re half way to a year already, and are growing up much too quickly! You’re cuter than ever.

·         Growling is the new vocal noise you have mastered lately. It’s a rather unexpected noise from such a little girl! Some days, your voice sounds raspy from frequent growling...
·         Your first Christmas was a blast! Your daddy and I have decided that Christmas Day is the day we spend at home with our little family. We enjoyed spending time with you! We read books, played with your new toys, took a nap, and watched a cheesy Hallmark movie. Christmas really is better with a baby J
·         Pretty Girl, you giggle when I kiss your toes. When I stop, you’ll push your tiny feet back into my face, and I’m happy to comply J You are laughing out loud more all the time, and we do crazy things to hear that goofy laugh of yours!
·         Eleanor, you express an “extreme dislike” when you see me leave the room. You can be happily playing on your activity gym, but if you see me leave the room (or look around and realize I snuck away), you voice your displeasure…loudly! I’m glad you like me so much J
·         You got to experience your first train trip, Nora Mae. We spent two day shopping in Chicago with Grams and Auntie Em. I was a little concerned about how you would do with all the noise and stimulation, but you were a champ! You shopped ‘til you dropped. (I think I enjoyed our trip more this year…last year, you had me feeling quite sick!)
·         You’re terrified of automatic hand dryers. You burst into tears every time you hear them (and you heard a lot of them in Chicago!) The vacuum cleaner and blow dryer don’t scare you, but those hand dryers definitely freak you out!
·         When your daddy gets home from work (and other times when you get *really* excited), you wave your arms up and down, with that big smile on your face. You get so excited that you just can’t contain it!
·         Another new “trick” is what your daddy and I call the “karate chop”. Nora Mae, you’re getting pretty good at sitting up. You like sitting and playing on our bed…because if you tip over, the landing is soft!
·         You’re still sucking your left thumb, usually when you’re going to sleep. Your daddy is certain you’ll be left-handed.
·         Eleanor, you’re STILL in size 2 diapers and 3-6/6 month clothes. You’re tipping the scales at 13 pounds and 5 ounces, which puts you at the 5th percentile. You’re 25 inches long now, which is about the 10th percentile. You’re definitely my tiny human! However, your head circumference is holding steady in the 80-something percentile. You can blame your big head on your daddy!

I love you more than ever, Pretty Girl. You’ll always be my baby.

Love always,


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