Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Oliver Frank at 3 months

Dear Oliver,

Sweet, sweet boy—it seems nearly impossible that you’ve only been here 3 short months already. You’re already so much a part of this family that it seems like you’ve always been here J
  • At 3 months old, you’re becoming more fun by the day! For real, though—you’re getting more interactive and it’s my favorite! I love how chatty and expressive you are.
  • You’ve recently discovered you have hands and they are the COOLEST. They’re so fun to stare at, scratch your face with, and put in your mouth.
  • You enjoy sitting up and seeing the action, whatever that may be. Eleanor is absolutely DYING for you to get up and play with her. You two are going to best friends; so glad you will grow up together!
  • You have a big smile! It takes up your whole face & when you smile--your eyes almost disappear. 
  • You had a clogged tear duct (that you’ve had since birth), but I’m happy to say that it is FINALLY all better. As glad as I am that it cleared up, it’s a little strange to see your left eye not watering constantly.
  • Sweet Boy, you’re helping keep this Mama of yours sane by SLEEPING. You may not realize how important this is, but just know I appreciate it very much! You sleep about 10 hours straight at night. 10 HOURS!!!! 10 HOURS!!!! (And I refuse to believe I’m “jinxing” your sleep habits by typing this.)
  • You are a “low maintenance fella”, according to your Daddy. Most of the time, this is a true statement!
  • You’re still rolling from belly to back. On your back, you will roll to your side—but not all the way to your belly. If you’re anything like your big sister, you’ll be crawling before you roll from back to belly!
  • You had your 1st Thanksgiving & looked completely adorable in a brown onesie and striped pants with a turkey on the butt J
  • You have already mastered the poochy lip—and I do mean “mastered” it!
  • You were dedicated at church the day after your 2 month birthday. We were thrilled to have both sets of grandparents and 3 of your aunties come witness this special day with us.
  • Sweet, Oliver—you have absolutely no neck. I mean, not even a little neck. You have a giant, square head sitting on top of your shoulders.
  • You're wearing 0-3 month/3 month clothes and size 1 diapers (still), so while you are growing--most babies your age are bigger than you! #smallbutmighty

We love you, Little Turkey!
Love always,

Monday, November 28, 2016

Oliver Frank at 2 months

Dear Oliver,

Oh, Sweet Boy, I’ve been trying to write this blog post for the last 10 days. Let’s see how far we get today. You’re as adorable as ever. Those little smirks and smiles are simply to die for! Oh, and those squishy cheeks? They’re also my favorite!
Here’s what you’re doing at 2 months…

  • You’re much more alert and awake for longer periods of time. You’re starting to get chatty (occasionally), especially when Eleanor is playing nearby. You also make a grunting noise when you "get nervous". Typically, this involves your sister nearly squishing you as she does her very best to be affectionate! 
  • One of your favorite things is being swaddled. I wrap you up like a little burrito for naptimes and bedtime. It almost always calms you right down! You also  love your swing & I love that your sweet sister hasn’t figured out how to pull you out of it :) 
  • Opening day of gun hunting fell on your 2 month birthday. Your daddy is hoping that you’ll be a hunter. 
  • Daddy calls you by your middle name, Frank. He’s done this since you were in my belly and he probably won’t ever stop :) He is crazy about you!
  • We took you to the Kelley Reunion and you got to meet more of your family. You are certainly a popular little fella, Oliver, and you didn't mind being passed around. 
  • You, Sweet Boy, are a good little sleeper. You go to sleep around 9pm, then usually wake up around 1 or 2am. You get moved back into Mommy and Daddy’s room, where you sleep for a couple more hours. You typically think you’re starving between 3:30am and 4:30am :) Then it’s back to sleep until 7 or so. Most days, you & Eleanor take afternoon naps at the same time.
  • Your new “trick” this month is rolling from belly to back. It works out pretty well for you, as you’re not a big fan of your belly. You started rolling at 7 weeks and I nearly cried because you're "growing up". Your daddy tried to calm me down by saying "Frank will still be in diapers for a while." :) 
  • Much to my dismay, your hair started falling out. I was really hoping you’d keep some of that fluffy stuff on your head, but you are rocking a Mohawk! As for the hair on your back and tufts of hair on your ears? Well, you’re keeping it for now! 
  • At 2 months, you weighed 10 ½ pounds (13th%), are 22 inches long (26th%), and have a head circumference in the 60th percentile! You’re in 1 size diapers and 0-3/3 month clothes. Nearly all of your newborn clothes have been put away, with the exception of a few onesies that still fit. I feel that you're getting much too big, but most people look at me like I'm crazy when I talk about how big you are. Various family members think you'll catch up to your sister in no time, but I have a feeling you'll stay pretty small. Time will tell! 
Love always, 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Oliver Frank at 1 month

Dear Oliver,

You’re a month already, Baby Boy! Our days are flying by and your newborn squishiness is fading already.
  • You’re a pretty laid back little guy—as long as you’re not hungry! Your favorite things to do are sleep, eat, and poop ;) If you’re getting hungry, you let out 1 cry, which we call the “warning” cry. You’ll wait ever-so-patiently for about 60 seconds, then work yourself into the “yelling” cry. You have the ability to turn yourself as red as a tomato during your yelling cry!
  • During the daytime, you like your pacifier. Nightime? You think it’s the most ridiculous thing! When you’re swaddled at bedtime, we leave your right arm out. You reeeeeaaly like your right arm near your face and you’ve been trying to suck your right thumb at night time. Oliver, you sleep on your back and actually prefer it that way. 
  • Sweet Oliver, you are SO hairy. You’ve got back hair that could compete with any grown man! And you’re sporting tufts of hair on the back of your ears. I was assured that this hair would fall out, but you seem to be hanging on to it. Speaking of hair, you have a decent amount of it on your head! Fingers crossed, THAT hair doesn’t all fall out! 
  • You have a birthmark on your lower lip. When you were born, the doctor tried to convince me it was a bruise. It’s just one more way you’re totally unique! 
  • Most of the time, you’re a good sleeper (for a newborn, that is!)…but you are the NOISIEST little sleeper! Your daddy and I have both gotten up at different times at night because we were certain you were awake--when you were actually still asleep!  
  • Diaper changes have to be fast. That’s all I’m going to say about that! #boymom
  • Sometimes, you do what we call “swimming arms”. You’ll stretch your arms above your head and then reach as far away from your little body as possible. When you do this repetitively, it looks like you’re trying to swim. 
  • This month, some of your firsts included: 1st trip to church, 1st trip to Illinois, 1st trip to your pediatrician, 1st trip to the chiropractor, 1st trip to MOPS. (Your first roadtrip was a quick one--a mere 24 hours in Illinois. Grams came to our house on a Wednesday evening, we left Thursday morning and then came home on Friday. You handled the car ride like a champ!)
  • You had an ultrasound of your hips to rule out hip dysplasia because your hips were extra “clicky“. Thankfully, they said all is well and that you have “extremely elastic tissue”. 
  • You’re in newborn clothes and newborn diapers. HOWEVER, you are actually trying to outgrow some of your newborn clothes. Your daddy wanted to know why I had capri pants on you the other day! ;) Your sister could still comfortably wear newborn clothes at 2 months, but I don’t think that will be the case for you.
  • At 13 days, you were still sporting your umbilical stump. Truthfully, you were smelling like “rotting cord” and I mean that in the most loving way possible ;) One morning, I had you undressed and was getting ready to change your diaper. Eleanor was nearby, of course. As I reached over to grab a wipe, she ever so quickly removed your umbilical stump, then held it up for me to see (with a smile on her face). You were slightly disgruntled about this event (meaning you grunted and squirmed for about it for 15 seconds). Mommy had a near-breakdown, but you really were ok—and I was glad that stinky thing was gone!
  • At 1 month, you weigh 8 pounds & 8 ounces (13th percentile), are 21 inches long (33rd percentile), and your head measures 14 ¾ inches (75th percentile). As I was telling your pediatrician that you’re much too big already, she smiled and said, “My babies weighed more than this at birth.” Nonetheless, you seem to be outgrowing this newborn phase in a hurry!

We're so thankful you’re here, Oliver! You're definitely my favorite son!

Love always,

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 12 months

Dear Eleanor,

I don’t know how it’s possible, but here we are—you’re a 1 year old already!

Here you are at 12 whole months. Gone are the days of you laying on your blanket for a picture. Your 12 month sticker is actually on your fluffy tutu dress, but you can’t see it. We love your big smile, goofy laugh, and endless energy, Pretty Girl!

  • You’ve been opening cabinets for a while now, but you recently discovered that it is SO much more fun to take everything out and climb in! Kitchen cabinets, Daddy’s nightstand, and dresser drawers. You also pull out the drawer on the stove and sit in there. 
  • It could be a rough transition when your Little Brother arrives. You’re still not impressed one little bit when Mommy holds other babies! When Daddy set up Baby Brother’s crib last week, you absolutely refused to look at it. You also express extreme dislike when Mommy and Daddy kiss ;)
  • Nora Mae, you are a tan little girl. Yet another thing you didn’t get from me! 
  • We took a quick weekend trip to Evansville to visit the Pell’s. While we were eating lunch & you were exploring (because you had no interest in eating lunch), you located the dog food and proceeded to put a piece in your mouth! You had a 2nd piece in your hand all ready to go! Fortunately, you didn’t actually swallow it--and the dog food was relocated for the duration of our stay! 
  • For several weeks, you would burst into tears when we told you “no”. You’d look at us with your big brown eyes, stick out your bottom lip in quite the poochy face, and then cry alligator tears. (It was heartbreaking!) After a few weeks, the hysteria died down and you’d just stick out your bottom lip when you heard us say “no”! 
  • You have this off way of scooting, that your daddy refers to as the “crippled Indian crawl”. I’m pretty certain you’ve developed this crawl because of all the wood floors in our house. You’re not a fan of bare knees on hardwood ;) 
  • The evening of July 4th, we were all playing in the kitchen. You stood up, did a couple of your deep squats, then took 3 whole steps all by yourself!! You made us wait a whole week before you took any more steps (on 7/11). Since then, you’ll pop up and take a few steps--but your preferred method of moving is still crawling and scooting. We’ve unsuccessfully tried to “catch” you walking on video, but you have not cooperated with that yet! 
  • You’ve been trying to cut a top tooth for a couple weeks now. Your poor gums will get all puffy; some days, we can “see” the tooth, but it isn’t through all your gums. This big “toofer” has definitely caused you discomfort, and I’m hoping it comes through very soon! 
  • We celebrated your first birthday with a very small party on July 16th. It was a special day! You got some fun new things, including wooden puzzles, books, swimming pool & water/sand toys, a tent, and a tunnel. 
  • You acquired your first fat lip the day before you turned 1. You’d had a full, fun day of birthday celebrating and you were exhausted! You were standing up (which you do ALL THE TIME), lost your balance, and landed on your face. Needless to say, you talked about it for a few minutes. It was your first injury where blood was involved. (Yes, your mother nearly had a meltdown and was certain your bottom teeth had gone through your lip!)
  • You’re up to 16 pounds and 6 ounces and are 27 ¼ inches long. Your weight is at the 6th percentile and your height is at the 2nd percentile, meaning most 1 year olds are bigger than you! Like we’ve known along, you’re a smart one—your head is the 85th percentile J You’re wearing 6 month, 6-9 month, and 9 month clothes these days. Both pairs of your sandals are size 2. 

You might be tiny in size, but your big personality certainly makes up for it! I love you so much, Sweet Girl!

Love always,

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 11 months

Dear Eleanor,

Here we are again! You’ll have to stop this “growing” thing eventually—because you’re supposed to stay little forever. It’s what we agreed on, Sweet Girl.

  • You’re standing up CONSTANTLY, including in your crib! Your balance has improved greatly in the last few weeks & you can stand “in mid-air” without hanging on to anything! When you’re tired of standing (which takes quite a while), you squat. 
  • Empty boxes are the coolest! You can push them around, put toys inside of them, use them to stand up…the opportunities are endless, really. 
  • Nora Mae, I can usually *hear* you. You’re quite the “talker”: you clap frequently, squeal often, and laugh out loud many, many times a day. When you get very quiet, it’s usually because you’re into something you shouldn’t be. Oh yes, it’s already begun…
  • I’m calling you “Eleanor Mae” often these days—because it always gets your attention! “No ma’am, no bite” has also become a popular phrase around here ;) It’s amazing how sharp those TWO teeth are! 
  • You’re crawling ALL over the house & exploring everything. You’re crawling under chairs and opening cabinet doors, too. Nearly all the time, you have at least 1 small toy in your hand (teething ring, part of a puzzle, block, bath toy), but you are often seen crawling with a small item in each hand. When you started crawling with something in each hand, it didn’t always turn out so well for you—meaning, you face-planted a few times, Pretty Girl! You’re never in the same place for long!
  • At bedtime, your daddy refers to you as a “hyperactive little squirrel”. You can be completely exhausted, but you keep moving and keep making noise…because you might fall asleep if you are still for too long! It’s usually quite comical, these antics you do—all in an effort to stay awake
  • You have expressed an extreme dislike when your mommy holds other babies or kids. Last week, you got to meet 2 new friends (Kaydie’s girls) and you were rather unimpressed when I would talk to one of them for too long! If I picked them up, you made quite the noisy scene. When your daddy picked up Auntie Rachel’s puppy, you suddenly needed him to hold you! This could be a rather interesting scenario in a few months…
  • We’ve been talking about your baby brother quite a bit these days. A few weeks ago, you were eating (for the first time that morning, so it was rather serious business) and your brother was squirming all over. You scrunched your eyebrows the first few times he moved, then stopped eating and looked at me for a minute. The next time he moved, you jammed your little elbow into that spot! I think you’re in denial, Nora Mae! 
  • Outside is still a favorite for you, Eleanor. You methodically pick grass, leaves, and sometimes small sticks. Often, these things go into your mouth, but you sometimes you move them from hand to hand and inspect them. Speaking of outside, you get dirty SO quickly these days! 
  • You and I enrolled in a parent/child swim class and you, my little water baby, are absolutely loving it! The very 1st day, you clapped your hands and squealed with delight when we got in the water.  The 2nd day? You crawled right into the water yourself! When I hold you on your belly, you’ll flail your arms around, “kick” your legs, and put your face in the water. You have no sense of fear, not even a healthy dose of it! (We knew you were strange when you purposefully put your face under the faucet during bath time!) I’m glad you love the water so much! 
  • For many months now, you and your daddy would blow raspberries at each other—especially when he’d get home from work. Well, you are now “spitting” at many people these days! It’s a form of endearment for you—but I’m not sure others view it this way! :) 
  • You stayed overnight with Pops and Grams a few weeks ago! Your daddy & I were moderately traumatized, but you did perfectly fine! We need to “practice” a couple of nights away before your baby brother arrives! (No, you were not spoiled at all while you were away!)
  • Since I’m trying to convince people that you do, indeed, grow…let’s talk about what size clothes you’re in! You’re in 6-9 month and 9 month clothes. SO BIG, I KNOW!!! You even have a couple of dresses that are 6-12 months…they only come to your ankles! ;) We put a 12 month outfit on your adorable little self a week ago. The onesie came PAST your knees and the shorts literally fell off when you stood up. Your size 2 sandals will stay on your feet, though--as long as you don’t pull on them too much! 
I love your enthusiasm and sense of adventure! 

Love always, 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 10 months

Dear Eleanor,

You have the best laugh and you're laughing so much these days! When you find something (or someone) amusing, you'll clap your hands and squeal. It's adorable...and noisy!

  • You have become my little cleaning lady. You can find a tiniest speck of dust and a minute piece of plastic on the floor--in about 7 seconds flat! It has motivated me to become a better housekeeper ;) 
  • You figured out how much fun clapping is and you do so frequently. You clap when you're proud of yourself, and you clap and wave your arms around every night when your daddy gets home. Nora Mae, you'll hurriedly crawl toward your daddy because you're so happy to see him. It's absolutely precious and he loves it, too. 
  • You acquired your 1st bruises this month--both on your head. In your many attempts to stand, you took a couple big falls. Both times, it was close to bedtime and you were so exhausted--but couldn't stop practicing this skill! 
  • You want to stand unassisted, but your balance isn't quite there yet--so you end up squatting. It's humorous to watch your tiny self in such a position...
  • You thoroughly enjoy being outside, just like your daddy. If you're a little disgruntled, we'll go outside. You'll sit in the grass and attempt to eat said grass. (Let's be honest--you've probably eaten grass this month. I've caught you with grass in your mouth more than once!) You like your swing, too--especially when you can watch Jake running around the yard. 
  • It's much harder to capture you on camera these days, Eleanor. You don't sit still for long! 
  • You are a busy little bee, but you have been so snuggly the last few weeks. Your snuggles are quick, Pretty Girl, but I'm eating it up! 
  • Someday, you'll eat solid food...or at least, that's what I hear! Most days, you don't eat enough to speak of. If I can say you have a favorite, it would be refried beans and bananas (not mixed together--gross!)
  • You and I went to Virginia with Pops, Grams, and Auntie Em to see Uncle Tom and Auntie Em graduate from college. While you are a phenomenal baby, you did not enjoy the looooong car ride. 
  • You're going to be my Tiny Human forever. I do believe you're in all 6 month clothes--even 6-9 and GASP 9 month clothes! Your feet are so little--size 2 shoes fall right off. Your white sandals are 0-3 months. 
We found out that your sibling is a little brother! Needless to say, I'm glad we've got 4 more months to practice being "gentle" :) I love you more than ever, Nora Mae. 

Love always, 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 9 months

Dear Eleanor,

Have I ever told you that you’re growing much too quickly?! I’ve decided this current stage you’re in is my favorite. Really, my very most favorite—because I haven’t said that before ;)

  • When Grams was holding you (and a large Diet Coke in the other hand), you grabbed the end of the straw and promptly put it in your mouth. (No, we didn’t let you have any!) You’re mimicking so many things we do these days. 
  • You give the best kisses! They are very slobbery, open-mouth kisses, but you give this affection so gently. For the record, your daddy and I do often have to “wipe off” your kisses because of the excess drool. But we don’t do this while you’re watching, promise! 
  • One Thursday afternoon, you decided it was time to crawl. While your daddy was hanging curtains in the living room, you proceeded to crawl right over to chew on the plastic he’d been tossing on the floor—like you’d been crawling for weeks. You’ve become quite the crawler since then! When you first started crawling, you slipped around on our wood floors…it looked like you were on a slip n slide! But, you have drastically improved your crawling abilities and can do so quite speedily now. In fact, it’s too speedy a good part of the time! 
  • Crawling, by itself, wasn’t enough to keep you occupied for long, Pretty Girl. You’re pulling up on EVERYTHING these days. Once you’re standing, you’ll push away with your arms and try to stand unassisted. The problem with that? Your balance isn’t there yet! Yes, you’ve taken some pretty hard falls since you started this. THANK GOODNESS you aren’t standing in your crib…yet. I’m hoping you’re so exhausted by bedtime that you can’t even think about standing again. It’s working so far! 
  • I do believe your adorable thumb-sucking days are behind us. You quite sucking your thumb completely when those first teeth were coming in, and you haven't started again. Remember what I said about growing up?! *sigh*
  • You’ve always liked to be close by, but now that you’re crawling and standing—you are constantly right by my feet. In fact, sometimes, you’re ON my feet. 
  • Nora Mae, you go CRAZY over frozen teething rings. I’m talking squeal-with-delight when you see one. You’re still proudly sporting those 2 lower teeth…
  • When you first wake up, you’ll sit up in your crib and start talking. When I pick you up, you’ll rest your head on my shoulder and snuggle for a few minutes. The rest of the day, you’re much too busy exploring to sit still for long! 
  • You sat in the grass for the 1st time and were totally impressed! Eleanor, you immediately started pulling up grass, locating little sticks, and of course—putting it all in your mouth! You love being outside, and we’ve been enjoying warm, sunny weather this week. 
  • You’ve been saying “Dada” for a little while now, but you started saying “Mama”! I only teared up a little bit the first time I heard it ;) #nevergrowup
  • We celebrated our 1st Easter with you, Sweet One! You wore an adorable dress (thanks to your Auntie Rachel), and got Easter Baskets from: Mommy and Daddy, Pops and Grams, Auntie Em, Great-Grandma Judy and Great-Grandpa Tom, and Grammy and Papaw. Spoiled, much?! Auntie Em painted your fingernails for the 1st time (using Piggy Paint). 
  • You’re still my Tiny Human! At 9 months, you weighed 15 pounds and 9 ounces (10th percentile) and are 26 inches long (7th percentile). Your head measured in the 85th percentile—it’s because you’re so smart. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. (It’s no wonder baby headbands don’t fit you!) You are wearing size 3 diapers and I’ve packed away some of your 3-6 month clothes—okay, I’m lying. The 3-6 month clothes I put away are winter clothes that are no longer seasonally appropriate :) You’re in 3-6 month clothes and some 6-9 months clothes. 

It’s been such a fun month, Nora Mae! You’re doing so many new things, and want to explore everything.

Love always,

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 8 months

Dear Eleanor,

I’ve gotten behind in blogging your 8 month update, but the chaos of moving (and a few other things) have kept us all running! Your 8 month birthday fell on St. Patrick’s Day, a day your Great Grandma Neva always loved. Her youngest son was born on St. Patty’s Day and she always made a big deal about wearing green on this particular day. Great Grandma Neva would tell you her favorite color is green, but since she doesn’t talk these days—we’ll tell you about her favorite things. Another true story, Nora Mae—your mother didn’t dress you in green on St. Patrick’s Day. Gasp. Next year, Baby Girl…

At 8 months, you’re acting so…BIG! Our little family shared exciting news that you are going to be a big sister in September. Your new brother or sister is due September 17th, so you two will be 14 months apart. I’m excited for you to have a playmate, and your daddy is completely convinced you’re getting a sister!

• You’ve become an expert at pulling your shoes and socks off…every single time we get in the car. Once you tire of chewing on said socks, the backseat eats them.
• Since you’re such an advanced baby, you are absolutely enthralled with zippers and buttons on people’s clothing. You study them, touch them…and then try to eat them  No necklaces for me right now—because they are the ultimate chew toy!
• You pulled up on the side of your crib, so we had to drop your mattress. We had just put you in your crib to go “ni-night” and effortlessly, you stood up and looked at us! You flashed one of those adorable, open-mouth smiles—and I had a slight breakdown because you’re growing up much too quickly.
• Eleanor Mae, I’ve convinced myself that you’ll be whole, solid meals by…your 2nd birthday?! You have absolutely no interest in baby food or pureed stuff—but if we hand you a whole green bean, you’ll get right to work.
• You figured out that splashing in the bathtub is SUCH FUN! I think you would play in the bathtub all day if you could. There’s books and toys…and no diapers or clothes! :)
• Your stackable blocks? You LOVE knocking them over. You’ll excitedly wave your arms around while we stack them back up—then squeal with delight when they topple over again.
• No crawling yet. I’m starting to think you’re going to skip crawling altogether. Nora Mae, you haphazardly throw your hips to one side, then scoot around. It’s not fast, but you are able to go quite the distance!
• You are proudly showing off 2 new “toofers”, aka teeth :) After endless amounts of non-stop drooling, some extremely long nights, and gnawing on everything and everyone, those long-awaited teeth finally popped through. Your cute little smile is even cuter with these new additions :)
• Pretty Girl, you’ve developed an extreme fascination with “non-toys”. Cell phones, remote controls, plastic cups, silverware, diaper bag, and car keys are so much cooler than any toy you have!

I love seeing your excitement.

Love always,

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 7 months

Dear Eleanor,

Just when I think “this age is my favorite”, you get a little older and a little bigger—and I get a little more crazy about you. Here you are at 7 months!
·         Absolutely EVERYTHING is going in your mouth these days. Well, everything EXCEPT food. You’re not too impressed with solid food, but I’m sure you will enjoy it later! Your daddy and I keep thinking you’re trying to “grow teefers”, but none have made their appearance as of yet. You, umm…”gargle” on your saliva because there’s so much of it--sounds like you’re rolling your tongue.
·         You’re sleeping much better these days, for which we are all thankful! You are waking up early, but I blame that on all those 4:30am work mornings when you were in my belly!
·         Not only do you get nervous if I leave the room, but you aren’t impressed when I get too far away in the same room! You’re very curious about everything and spend several minutes looking at something you find intriguing.
·         You’re sitting up like a champ these days, and you’ve learned to scoot yourself…backwards and sideways. More than once in the last week, you get up on your hands and knees. Crawling is coming soon, and we are SO NOT READY! J
·         Nora Mae, you have acquired a new “verbal noise”. It resembles something along the lines of “what a screeching South American bird would sound like”. (You can thank your daddy for that description!)
·         You also started spouting off “Da-da-da-da-da” in the last week, which has your daddy SO THRILLED. Actually, “so thrilled” is probably the understatement of the year J You’re “talking” a lot more—loudly if you think we aren’t paying attention!
·         You experienced your 1st hockey game a couple weeks ago and slept through part of it. And you’re still very much afraid of automatic hand dryers.
·         Eleanor, you giggle and giggle when I tickle your squishy legs. It’s one of my favorite things about right now.
·         I’m sure you have a favorite book! You excitedly wave your arms up and down when “The very hungry caterpillar” comes out. We still read lots of different books, but you’ve convinced me that this one is your favorite! 

Love always, 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Eleanor Mae at 6 months

Dear Eleanor,

You’re half way to a year already, and are growing up much too quickly! You’re cuter than ever.

·         Growling is the new vocal noise you have mastered lately. It’s a rather unexpected noise from such a little girl! Some days, your voice sounds raspy from frequent growling...
·         Your first Christmas was a blast! Your daddy and I have decided that Christmas Day is the day we spend at home with our little family. We enjoyed spending time with you! We read books, played with your new toys, took a nap, and watched a cheesy Hallmark movie. Christmas really is better with a baby J
·         Pretty Girl, you giggle when I kiss your toes. When I stop, you’ll push your tiny feet back into my face, and I’m happy to comply J You are laughing out loud more all the time, and we do crazy things to hear that goofy laugh of yours!
·         Eleanor, you express an “extreme dislike” when you see me leave the room. You can be happily playing on your activity gym, but if you see me leave the room (or look around and realize I snuck away), you voice your displeasure…loudly! I’m glad you like me so much J
·         You got to experience your first train trip, Nora Mae. We spent two day shopping in Chicago with Grams and Auntie Em. I was a little concerned about how you would do with all the noise and stimulation, but you were a champ! You shopped ‘til you dropped. (I think I enjoyed our trip more this year…last year, you had me feeling quite sick!)
·         You’re terrified of automatic hand dryers. You burst into tears every time you hear them (and you heard a lot of them in Chicago!) The vacuum cleaner and blow dryer don’t scare you, but those hand dryers definitely freak you out!
·         When your daddy gets home from work (and other times when you get *really* excited), you wave your arms up and down, with that big smile on your face. You get so excited that you just can’t contain it!
·         Another new “trick” is what your daddy and I call the “karate chop”. Nora Mae, you’re getting pretty good at sitting up. You like sitting and playing on our bed…because if you tip over, the landing is soft!
·         You’re still sucking your left thumb, usually when you’re going to sleep. Your daddy is certain you’ll be left-handed.
·         Eleanor, you’re STILL in size 2 diapers and 3-6/6 month clothes. You’re tipping the scales at 13 pounds and 5 ounces, which puts you at the 5th percentile. You’re 25 inches long now, which is about the 10th percentile. You’re definitely my tiny human! However, your head circumference is holding steady in the 80-something percentile. You can blame your big head on your daddy!

I love you more than ever, Pretty Girl. You’ll always be my baby.

Love always,
