Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Eleanor Mae at 2 years

Pretty Princess, it’s amazing and scary how fast these last 2 years have gone. You’ve brought more joy than we could have imagined!
  • At 19 months, just after 10pm, we contemplated taking you to the ER. We’d never had to make such a trip before, but you had this horrid “barky” cough {croup}. Thankfully, we were able to avoid a late-night trip to the ER and you recovered quickly!
  • Nora Mae, you are quite the climber. Fortunately, you’ve gotten a little less reckless than you were a few months ago. If you can make it to age 3 *without* needing stitches, I’ll breathe a little easier. We could add “chipped teeth” to your list of life accomplishments though…

  • You know most of your colors and quite a few body parts. You’re really obsessed with belly buttons, so we’ve had to work on not lifting up people’s shirts to see theirs J Yes, I’m serious :) 
  • You adore “Bubba” aka Oliver. You’re overprotective and you literally cannot stay away from him. Ever. If he drops his paci, you’re soooo fast at shoving it back in his mouth, whether he wants it or not!
  • While you’re far from talkative, you can still make your needs known! There’s no shortage of volume from you. Speaking of talking, I’m hoping you do that soon.
  • You’re 2 going on 10…you love “big kids”. This could be a 4 year old or a 7 year old…you *really* love it when said 4 year old or 7 year old pays attention to you.
  • You continue to show us your determined side, complete with strong opinions and the need for consistency! I say “be sweet” no less than 3,000 times per day!
  • Another round of swimming lessons came and went in June. You were fearless…a little too fearless! But we’re thrilled you love the water so much.

  • Another first for you was sleeping in a tent {22 months}. Daddy took you near the pond, you guys pitched a tent, and slept all night in it. Of course, you stayed up 2 hours past your bedtime since you could “free range” all over the tent, but Daddy says it was worth it! (Oliver and I happily slept in our air-conditioned house!)
  • You’ve gotten cuddly these days and I’m loving it—most of the time ;)
  • A few weeks before your 2nd birthday, we DROVE to Texas. We assumed that driving through the night = Eleanor sleeping, but that’s not how the story actually went. You slept from 8pm until 1am and then thought *surely* you’d taken a long enough nap and didn’t need to sleep anymore. So, you ate graham crackers and watched movies…for the REST OF THE NIGHT. Thankfully, you were pretty quiet. You experienced all the goodness of Magnolia & exploring new places…it’s unfortunate you won’t remember it!

  •  Another favorite of yours is “mixing”. You’ll mix anything you can get your hands on and if I haven’t given you something to mix, you’ll still have a spoon and bowl—so you can pretend to mix!
  • You want to help with anything and everything I’m doing, Nora Mae. Vaccuming? You’re sure you can do it better. Shaking out rugs? You’ll do your best to get them off the ground. Switching laundry? You can handle it. Feeding Oliver? You’ve seen enough of this to know what to do. You’re 2 going on 10, remember? 
  • At 22 months, you had your first ear infection. Your mother of the year let you run a fever for 5 days (!!!!) before taking you to the doctor. You’re a tough girl!
  • You love love love books—holding them, looking at, holding them 2 inches in front of Oliver’s face, putting them in your car, carrying them around in buckets…I am thoroughly enjoying this phase where I can read a whole book to you before you’re off on another adventure.
  • You had 2 birthday parties this year...because twice as many cupcakes is always a good idea! The first party was at our house with Grammy and Papaw, Uncle Jeremy and Auntie Marta, Cousin Wyatt, and Auntie Rachel. The second party was in Illinois with Pops and Grams, Auntie Em, Uncle Tom, Great Aunt Natalie,  Cousin Micah, Alison & Cole, and Great Grandma Judy and Great Grandpa Tom. You got some fun new things--a water table, a mower that blows bubbles, playdoh, new dresses, and a cozy coupe. 
  • You will only drink out of certain sippy cups—360 or straw ones. You refuse (and I do mean REFUSE) to drink out of traditional, hard-topped sippies. Some battles aren’t worth the fight!
  • On your 2nd birthday, we went to a waterpark. You were in HEAVEN! 
  • You do not enjoy food (and that may be an understatement!) Foods that you will consistently eat are oatmeal, peanut butter, brocolli, graham crackers, goldfish and any other carby-things we let you have :) You LOVE milk (only white milk--not chocolate). 
  • In May, you started developing an attachment to a small, pink, crocheted owl that Auntie Em gave you when you were brand new. You also have a specific blanket that you really like, too. Your blanket and Owlie are must-haves for sleep these days!
  • Daddy still calls you Betty. He also calls you Little Lady.
  • You *finally* tipped the scale at 20 whole pounds. Twenty pounds, with clothes and shoes, but let’s not get technical here ;) Needless to say, your 20 pound self didn’t make the chart for weight, but your height did! At 30 ¾ inches, you’re at the best percentile—1st! What we’ve known all along remains true: you’re a smart little person, with a head at the 90th percentile. You’ve made your own little curve at the doctor’s office. Amazing how your personality shines through, even in this!
      We love you, Princess! 
        Love always, 

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