Sunday, August 20, 2017

Oliver Frank at 11 months

Dear Oliver,

Sweet Boy, you’re growing and changing waaay too fast. At 11 months, food = everything, so you were doing your best to get the entire sticker in your mouth while your crazy mother tried to get a picture :) 
  • You have the hairiest legs I’ve ever seen on any 11 month old. Ever. And did I mention your leg rolls? They’re the BEST!
  • Your smile these days is literally your mouth wide open J I’m sure I wouldn’t find this so completely perfect if you weren’t my baby.
  • You are pulling up allllll the time, standing whenever possible, cruising around by holding on to furniture (and people!), and even keeping your balance for a few seconds without hanging on to anything. I think we have a little time before you’re walking…at least I’m hoping so!
  • You completely wear yourself out by trying to keep up with Sissy. You two really want to be near each other all the time, even though you drive each other crazy at times J
  • You’re pulling Sissy’s hair and she likes it. Yes, you ready that correctly. Your 2 year old sister is so thrilled you’re interacting with her that she doesn’t even mind!
  • You’re at the wonderful age where being told “no” is completely devastating. Poochy lip, alligator tears, the whole works…Unfortunately, this phase will pass quickly, I’m sure!
  • And the reason we tell you “no”? You are into everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING, Oliver.
  • You can turn on the fan in your bedroom. You’re in the curious “how does this work” phase and Daddy is feeding your latest obsession J When you figure out something new, you’ll wave your arms around and chuckle…and make sure we see whatever it is!
  • You are quite the little flirt these days. Those blue eyes and chubby thighs really capture people’s attention!
  • You are obsessed with wheels. Big wheels, little wheels, wheels on cars, wheels on strollers, and any other wheels you can find…literally.
  • Your hair is growing at lightning speed. You’ll need your 1st hair cut MONTHS before Nora Mae did. Go figure!
  •  You nap like a champ and that’s worth mentioning because you are helping Mama stay sane. Keep it up!

Stay little, Little Fella.
Love always, 


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