Monday, January 21, 2013

The week before vacation

It’s hard to believe that our vacation has come and gone already. In case you didn’t know, my family spent a few days in Cocoa Beach before heading on a Royal Caribbean Cruise to Coco Cay and Nassau, Bahamas! The trip was so much fun; it was relaxing and exactly what we all needed. The weather was PERFECT—75 and sunny in January…what could be better?!

But before we could actually leave for Florida, we had to deal with a week where things just weren’t going according to plan. On Thursday, the day before we were supposed to leave, my car started having issues (again!), dad got his stitches out (a few days early), and mom broke a tooth—I think those were the “big” things” ;) They left WI a little later than planned because Dad’s physical therapy appointment took longer than expected. Anyway, my family finally made it to Illinois on Thursday night, just in time for dinner at Avanti’s with all the grandparents and Jordan. We do love tortellini!

Rabbit trail, sort of— Dad called nearly 20 dentists on Thursday afternoon trying to find somewhere, anywhere, that Mom could get her tooth fixed before we left. She was able to get an appointment for the next morning at 8 am. Redbird Dental is fabulous; we were on the road at 8:30! This was such an answer to prayer, and it was super nice that it worked out so well J

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