Monday, October 2, 2017

Oliver Frank at 12 months

1 year, Little Man. A whole year. You love food, anything with wheels, pacifiers, and tearing the house apart. And your hair is completely crazy :)
  • You are showing off your “determined” side as of late. Meaning, I tell you “no” and you LAUGH. Did I mention you just turned 1? We’re not ready for this kind of rebellion! 
  • You are signing “milk” these days with your chubby little hand…not because I taught you, but because Sissy did. She’s SO proud!
  • You love “tinkering” and “fixing” things…So far, you’ve broken the vacuum cleaner and the soap “holder” in the dishwasher. Auntie Em and Uncle Tom got you a tool table for your birthday, so I’m hoping to harness some of that imagination into something less destructive on our house!
  • All that exploring is exhausting and thankfully, you are a good napper (and sleeper, in general). Sissy won't know what to do when you drop that morning nap!
  • You wave “bye” to anyone that will look at you, or anyone you *think* is looking at you. 
  • Separation anxiety has hit…bigtime. You turn into a blubbering, red-faced child the moment we get near the nursery at church. 
  • Your Daddy has had your 1st birthday gift picked out since he heard “it’s a boy” when you were a 13 ounce person in my belly :) There’s a giant dump truck that lives at our house now and you love it…almost as much as your Daddy does!
  • You have SIX teeth! And 2 more that aren’t far behind. You’re losing the baby look way too fast for this Mama’s liking…
  • You’re rocking 6-12 month, 9 month, and even some 12 month clothes! You’re in size 3 diapers. 
  • At 1 year old, you weigh a whopping 18 pounds and 10 ounces; you’re 28 ¼ inches long. (Your weight is at the 11th percentile and your height is at the 3rd percentile, meaning most 1 year olds are bigger than you!) Your big noggin’ is at the 75th percentile…but we already knew you were smart! 

We love you, Sweet Boy, more than you’ll ever know and we are so thankful you’re part of our family. 
Love always, 

P.S. All these gorgeous pictures were taken by Kimmy Howard of Kimmy Howard Photography! 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Oliver Frank at 11 months

Dear Oliver,

Sweet Boy, you’re growing and changing waaay too fast. At 11 months, food = everything, so you were doing your best to get the entire sticker in your mouth while your crazy mother tried to get a picture :) 
  • You have the hairiest legs I’ve ever seen on any 11 month old. Ever. And did I mention your leg rolls? They’re the BEST!
  • Your smile these days is literally your mouth wide open J I’m sure I wouldn’t find this so completely perfect if you weren’t my baby.
  • You are pulling up allllll the time, standing whenever possible, cruising around by holding on to furniture (and people!), and even keeping your balance for a few seconds without hanging on to anything. I think we have a little time before you’re walking…at least I’m hoping so!
  • You completely wear yourself out by trying to keep up with Sissy. You two really want to be near each other all the time, even though you drive each other crazy at times J
  • You’re pulling Sissy’s hair and she likes it. Yes, you ready that correctly. Your 2 year old sister is so thrilled you’re interacting with her that she doesn’t even mind!
  • You’re at the wonderful age where being told “no” is completely devastating. Poochy lip, alligator tears, the whole works…Unfortunately, this phase will pass quickly, I’m sure!
  • And the reason we tell you “no”? You are into everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING, Oliver.
  • You can turn on the fan in your bedroom. You’re in the curious “how does this work” phase and Daddy is feeding your latest obsession J When you figure out something new, you’ll wave your arms around and chuckle…and make sure we see whatever it is!
  • You are quite the little flirt these days. Those blue eyes and chubby thighs really capture people’s attention!
  • You are obsessed with wheels. Big wheels, little wheels, wheels on cars, wheels on strollers, and any other wheels you can find…literally.
  • Your hair is growing at lightning speed. You’ll need your 1st hair cut MONTHS before Nora Mae did. Go figure!
  •  You nap like a champ and that’s worth mentioning because you are helping Mama stay sane. Keep it up!

Stay little, Little Fella.
Love always, 


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Eleanor Mae at 2 years

Pretty Princess, it’s amazing and scary how fast these last 2 years have gone. You’ve brought more joy than we could have imagined!
  • At 19 months, just after 10pm, we contemplated taking you to the ER. We’d never had to make such a trip before, but you had this horrid “barky” cough {croup}. Thankfully, we were able to avoid a late-night trip to the ER and you recovered quickly!
  • Nora Mae, you are quite the climber. Fortunately, you’ve gotten a little less reckless than you were a few months ago. If you can make it to age 3 *without* needing stitches, I’ll breathe a little easier. We could add “chipped teeth” to your list of life accomplishments though…

  • You know most of your colors and quite a few body parts. You’re really obsessed with belly buttons, so we’ve had to work on not lifting up people’s shirts to see theirs J Yes, I’m serious :) 
  • You adore “Bubba” aka Oliver. You’re overprotective and you literally cannot stay away from him. Ever. If he drops his paci, you’re soooo fast at shoving it back in his mouth, whether he wants it or not!
  • While you’re far from talkative, you can still make your needs known! There’s no shortage of volume from you. Speaking of talking, I’m hoping you do that soon.
  • You’re 2 going on 10…you love “big kids”. This could be a 4 year old or a 7 year old…you *really* love it when said 4 year old or 7 year old pays attention to you.
  • You continue to show us your determined side, complete with strong opinions and the need for consistency! I say “be sweet” no less than 3,000 times per day!
  • Another round of swimming lessons came and went in June. You were fearless…a little too fearless! But we’re thrilled you love the water so much.

  • Another first for you was sleeping in a tent {22 months}. Daddy took you near the pond, you guys pitched a tent, and slept all night in it. Of course, you stayed up 2 hours past your bedtime since you could “free range” all over the tent, but Daddy says it was worth it! (Oliver and I happily slept in our air-conditioned house!)
  • You’ve gotten cuddly these days and I’m loving it—most of the time ;)
  • A few weeks before your 2nd birthday, we DROVE to Texas. We assumed that driving through the night = Eleanor sleeping, but that’s not how the story actually went. You slept from 8pm until 1am and then thought *surely* you’d taken a long enough nap and didn’t need to sleep anymore. So, you ate graham crackers and watched movies…for the REST OF THE NIGHT. Thankfully, you were pretty quiet. You experienced all the goodness of Magnolia & exploring new places…it’s unfortunate you won’t remember it!

  •  Another favorite of yours is “mixing”. You’ll mix anything you can get your hands on and if I haven’t given you something to mix, you’ll still have a spoon and bowl—so you can pretend to mix!
  • You want to help with anything and everything I’m doing, Nora Mae. Vaccuming? You’re sure you can do it better. Shaking out rugs? You’ll do your best to get them off the ground. Switching laundry? You can handle it. Feeding Oliver? You’ve seen enough of this to know what to do. You’re 2 going on 10, remember? 
  • At 22 months, you had your first ear infection. Your mother of the year let you run a fever for 5 days (!!!!) before taking you to the doctor. You’re a tough girl!
  • You love love love books—holding them, looking at, holding them 2 inches in front of Oliver’s face, putting them in your car, carrying them around in buckets…I am thoroughly enjoying this phase where I can read a whole book to you before you’re off on another adventure.
  • You had 2 birthday parties this year...because twice as many cupcakes is always a good idea! The first party was at our house with Grammy and Papaw, Uncle Jeremy and Auntie Marta, Cousin Wyatt, and Auntie Rachel. The second party was in Illinois with Pops and Grams, Auntie Em, Uncle Tom, Great Aunt Natalie,  Cousin Micah, Alison & Cole, and Great Grandma Judy and Great Grandpa Tom. You got some fun new things--a water table, a mower that blows bubbles, playdoh, new dresses, and a cozy coupe. 
  • You will only drink out of certain sippy cups—360 or straw ones. You refuse (and I do mean REFUSE) to drink out of traditional, hard-topped sippies. Some battles aren’t worth the fight!
  • On your 2nd birthday, we went to a waterpark. You were in HEAVEN! 
  • You do not enjoy food (and that may be an understatement!) Foods that you will consistently eat are oatmeal, peanut butter, brocolli, graham crackers, goldfish and any other carby-things we let you have :) You LOVE milk (only white milk--not chocolate). 
  • In May, you started developing an attachment to a small, pink, crocheted owl that Auntie Em gave you when you were brand new. You also have a specific blanket that you really like, too. Your blanket and Owlie are must-haves for sleep these days!
  • Daddy still calls you Betty. He also calls you Little Lady.
  • You *finally* tipped the scale at 20 whole pounds. Twenty pounds, with clothes and shoes, but let’s not get technical here ;) Needless to say, your 20 pound self didn’t make the chart for weight, but your height did! At 30 ¾ inches, you’re at the best percentile—1st! What we’ve known all along remains true: you’re a smart little person, with a head at the 90th percentile. You’ve made your own little curve at the doctor’s office. Amazing how your personality shines through, even in this!
      We love you, Princess! 
        Love always, 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Oliver Frank at 10 months

Little Fella, here we are again. Ten months. You’re out to prove that you’re *not* a baby anymore & Mama isn’t ready for it!
At 10 months, you’re even more fun than you were a month ago :)

  • You can stand up in your crib. Thankfully, the novelty wore off after 4 days and you decided to lay down and sleep (like you’re suppose to!)…
  • Like a champ, you took off crawling on your mama’s birthday. She nearly cried, but we won’t talk about that! You’re quite the speedy little boy these days, Oliver. Keeping up with your Sissy is a full-time job. 
  • Remember what I said about growing way too fast? Well, you’re still doing just that—and your Mohawk isn’t very noticeable anymore. Thankfully, you’re *still* doing your goofy chuckle. 
  • Last week, you started saying “Dada”. As you can imagine, Daddy was SO proud! I tried raining on his parade by saying you didn’t *really* know what you were saying, but he didn’t buy it! You are a very chatty little boy and I’m sure you’ll be talking in no time. 
  • You’re rocking 2 naps a day and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. You love to sleep!
  • Oliver Frank, you are getting more expressive and showing your rotten determined side. When you get a grip on something you want, you noisily express your dislike if anyone tries to get it out of your chubby hands. 
  • You LOVE to hang upside down. You will regularly flip backwards while I'm holding you...just to view the light or fan. 
  • Your first visit to the splash pad was a hit! You were thrilled that we let you crawl all over and get soaked. We also recently finished your first round of "swimming lessons". You weren't thrilled about the cool water, but water is definitely growing on you! 
  • As much as you want to be a big boy, you can't resist your paci. We're on the countdown to get rid of it, but we won't talk about that yet! 
  • You've mastered those sweet, slobbery kisses. You'll grab my face, give it your best kiss, and then grin because you're SO proud. I wouldn't find this nearly so adorable if you weren't my favorite son ;) 
Slow down, Sweet Boy! I’d freeze this age if I could.

Love always,

Monday, June 19, 2017

Oliver Frank at 9 months

Dear Oliver,

You *seriously* have gotten cuter and you were soooo cute to begin with! ;) Not that I’m biased or anything, but those blue eyes have completely stolen my heart. Oh, and those chubby legs—can’t get enough! You’re looking waaaaaay too grown up these days.

·         At 9 months, you’ve started “fighting back” and not letting Sissy take your toys. You no longer let go when she tries to take something from you and she isn’t quite sure what to make of that just yet. I pray you two really do grow up as best friends!
·         We went to Turkey Run on Mother’s Day and you were quite content to “ride” in the ergo. After all, Mama really is your favorite person & I’m going to use that to my full advantage for as long as I possibly can.
·         Holy allergies, Batman! You’ve got the watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and all the other fun stuff that goes along with that. Sweet Oliver, you’re basically allergic to everything outside. And yes, we’re hoping you’ll outgrow some of that!
·         Nora Mae calls you Bubba and Daddy calls you Frank. I don't see either of these things changing. 
·         Gone are the days I can sit you in a laundry basket…You stood right up and tipped the whole thing over! You’ve also started the neat “trick” of pulling up on the couch and then letting go.
·         You love love love your jumper. Sissy can’t knock you over and you think you’re king of the world.
·         Little Fella, you’re not super motivated when it comes to moving. You will (very) occasionally scoot around on your belly, but you haven’t figured out how to get your belly off the you flail your arms around and “yell”. We call this the “beached whale” :)
·         You’re waving AND clapping…sometimes. Nora Mae was ecstatic the first time you clapped at her. She thinks she taught you how to clap and she couldn’t be more proud. (She routinely goes up to you and starts clapping, with the hope that you’ll clap, too. It’s adorable!)
·         You hit QUITE a growth spurt and were certain Mama was starving you. Oliver, you can put away the food. As we’ve already established, you got my love of food! You prefer veggies over fruit and will eat anything…except for pepperoni.
·         At 9 months, you’re a *whopping* 16 pounds and 11 ounces (7th percentile) and 26 ¾ inches long (3rd percentile). Maybe you’re not as big as we think?! As it customary in our family, you are a big-headed little person and your head is in the 78th percentile! Size 3 diapers, 6 month, 9 month, and (gasp!) 6-12 month clothes are what you’re wearing these days. You’re following your own little curve and you’ve got the rolls and cankles to prove it!

We love you, Sweet Boy…more than you know! 

Love always,


Monday, May 22, 2017

Oliver Frank at 8 months

It *really* doesn’t seem possible, but you are 8 months already, Little Fella! Your Mama forgot (oops!) to blog about your 7 month old self (2nd kid problems!), so here’s the really fast recap ;) You are chewing on your feet alllllll the time…and I do mean ALL the time. When you and Sissy go to bed, you “chatter” with each other and melt your Mama’s heart. Don’t tell, but sometimes we stand in the closet just to listen to the two of you! (Clarification: There is a closet that connects the nursery to our room, so it’s not as weird as it sounds to stand in the closet when the babies go to bed.) Anyway, you are getting chubbier BY THE DAY and I can’t get enough of your rolls!

Aaaaaand, yes, nearly all of your shorts are too long :) 
·         You are not highly motivated when it comes to moving. In fact, Daddy thinks you’re a lazy baby! You do log-roll around the living room, but you can also scoot backwards. We’re still waiting for the forward motion…But there really is no hurry! Stay little.
·         Separation anxiety is beginning! You “yell” (it’s not a cry) when Mama gets too far away—and more than 3 feet is too far away, at least according to you! Sissy usually runs to your rescue, which you don’t always appreciate!
·         You are not a snuggler, but you do like being in the Ergo. I’ll miss these baby-wearin’ days…
·         You recently discovered you can stick out your tongue and make other people laugh. You’re quite the little flirt…I mean, those blue eyes are irresistible!
·         Oliver, you have the most adorable Mohawk. Your hair is so fluffy and just stands.straight.up. Did I mention that I love it?!
·         You have this whiny, “yelling” voice that you use when Sissy gets too close to you. (Sometimes, she isn’t even THAT close.)  I’m starting to think you have memories of all the times she has (lovingly!) knocked you over! (You two really do play together well, at least sometimes!)
·         You’re so close to getting some more teeth. We can practically see them, but they haven’t made it all the way through quite yet. Soon, we hope!
·         Sweet Oliver, you looooooove all food, except for turkey pepperoni and enchiladas.
·         You’re a pacifier boy and we put 2 in your crib every night…because if you drop one, you’ll have a backup.
·         We affectionately call you “Porky” and you’re tipping the scale at 15 ½ pounds! Huge, right?! I’m sure someone will say that’s not very big, BUT it is! You’re oodles bigger than Sissy was at this age.
·         You have a silly little laugh and we call it your “Billy goat chuckle”. It’s this goofy sounding noise that you’ve been making for a couple months and it is perfect ;)

Love always,


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Oliver Frank at 6 months

Dear Oliver,

Little Fella, you're halfway to ONE and more adorable than ever! It has been quite a month for you!

  • Your big smile takes up your whole and your eyes still get squnity. Your smile is LITERALLY one of my favorite things! 
  • You had RSV a couple of weeks ago. It was rough...really rough. Thankfully, we were able to keep you at home (and out of the hospital). You're completely recovered now and I hope to never hear you wheeze like that again. (Also, round-the-clock breathing treatments are not fun!)
  • You're sitting up pretty well these days! You still get "tipsy" if you reach too far for a toy, but overall you're pretty steady. Your Sissy is still practicing giving gentle kisses that don't knock you over :)
  • Speaking of Sissy, you just started taking toys that she hands to you. If you don't grab it fast enough, she basically forces it toward your head. It's all because she loves you, just remember that. You two are best friends!
  • Oliver, you ARE expressing your dislike when people won't get out of your face. It's basically one lone "yell" that means "back off". (Daddy thinks your approach is a good one and wishes adults could use it!)
  • Daddy & I took you to your 1st hockey game this month. Daddy is hoping you'll love hockey as much as does!
  • You have a TOOTH! (Daddy was right!) There's no need to grow a mouthful of teeth for SEVERAL more months...take your time, Oliver. Don't grow up too fast!
  • You tried apple and pear recently. You're only getting "real food" once a day, but I think you would eat it as often as we would give it to you. You definitely share my love of food! 
  • You're in size 2 diapers and 3-6/6 month clothes. Yes, there are still a few 3 month things you can wear! 
  • At 6 months, you are 14 whole pounds, which puts you at the 2nd percentile. You're so tall that you don't even make their silly chart...or something like that ;) Your head is at the 65th percentile. You're growing perfectly, Oliver Frank. 
Love always, 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Oliver Frank at 5 months

Dear Oliver,

Sweetheart, you are the most smiley little boy! You're quite a flirt, too :)

  • At 5 months, you are chewing CONSTANTLY. You’re rocking bibs every single day because of allllll the drool. Your daddy is convinced your teething…and I keep reminding him that your Sissy didn’t get her first tooth until she was 10 months! 
  • You can put your own pacifier in your mouth—when you want to, that is. We put at least 2 pacifiers in your crib at bedtime, in case you drop one!
  • The only time you roll from belly to back is at nighttime. We’ve never actually seen you do this during the day, but you’re on your belly every single morning. I prefer belly sleeping, too :)
  • You continue to have zero personal space, Sweet Boy. Your Sissy loves you so very much and it literally hurts her not to be near you. She gives you 8,000 kisses and almost that many hugs in 1 day. 
  • You’re not impressed with anything that seems like “work”. Sitting up? Too much work! Rolling over consistently? Too much work! Your jumper IS growing on you, though—you like to be upright AND you can see what Sissy is doing. 
  • We’ve given you food a few times now. You’ve tried green beans, peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes. You seem to like all of it--for now at least!
  • You’ve started giving hugs “back”, meaning you’ll squeeze your arms around us. Your Sissy squealed with delight the 1st time you did this…Remember what I said about how much she loves you?! 

You're such a joy!
Love always,

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Eleanor Mae at 18 months

18 months, Pretty Girl. One and a half YEARS. 
  • Nora Mae, you hide things quite well. Shoes, puzzle pieces, a lone sock, fingernail clippers, Oliver’s pacifiers, and any other small objects you can swipe and quickly tuck away.
  • We are working on learning colors. You know red and green pretty well. Your favorite puzzle pieces happen to be a red oval and a green circle. You have a variety of puzzles; other favorite toys include Tupperware, empty boxes, your little purple purse, activity cube, and plastic spoons.
  • Shortly after you turned 13 months, you had a horrible cold that turned into bronchitis.  It was your 1st round of antibiotics and your Mama was so afraid of you being sick when your baby brother arrived. (Thankfully, you were much better when Oliver arrived!)
Your 1st Pumpkin Festival {14 months}
  • For several months (13 months-16 months), you would lay on your belly and spin yourself around with your arms. Then you’d grin at us because it was a “trick”. While you don’t do it anymore, you use to put your hand on your forehead, like “give me a break”. You would do it at moments that proved extra funny. :) One of your favorite games right now is running away, then stopping to ensure someone is chasing after you. When you see that someone is chasing you, you squeal and then continue running.

  • At 16 months, you had 4 teeth (2 on top and 2 on bottom). At 18 months, you have 10 teeth (3 on top, 3 on bottom, plus 1 year molars). I don’t recommend getting 5 teeth in all at once. It was a rough couple weeks!
  • At nearly 16 months, you weighed 17 pounds and 6 ounces (3rd%), were 29 inches long (3rd%), and your head was in the 85th%! Historically, you’ve been a poor eater. Shortly before Christmas, your eating habits improved (as in, you were actually EATING!). Foods that you consistently eat: yogurt, peanut butter, scrambled eggs, cheese, sausage, green beans, and graham crackers. At 18 months, you weighed a whopping 17 pounds and 15 ounces (2nd%), are 29 ½ inches long(2nd%), and your head is in the 92nd percentile!
  • At 18 months, you are only consistently saying “Dada” and “Mamama”. You said “ball” “baby” and “cake” very distinctly, but only a couple of times. One of these days, I’m expecting you to start speaking in full sentences! While you don’t talk much, you are quite good at making your presence known J You sign “milk” and “more”. We’re working on “please”, “thank you”, “all done” and “toilet”. You’ve recently begun shaking your head “no”--and you certainly mean “no”!!!
  • When you get excited, you still flail both your arms around. When we’re picking you up, you kick both your legs.

  • The arrival of Oliver was a big adjustment. You mostly ignored him for the 1st 10 days of his life. Occasionally, you’d look at him--but newborns really aren’t that interesting! In the morning, when you got up (Oliver was 11 days old), you marched up to the rock n play (in the kitchen), flashed me your big, beautiful smile, and you gently rocked “your baby”. Mama melted. You’ve loved him ever since!
  • You’re wearing 6-12 month, 9 month, 12 month, and even some 12-18 month clothes. (Straight up 18 months is too big at this point). You’re in size 3 diapers and size 4 shoes. You’ll be in size 3 diapers until you’re potty-trained!
  • You absolutely adore your baby aka “Brudder”. You give kisses so gently and are obsessed with trying to grab his face. You also do lots of helpful things, like quickly locating Oliver’s pacifier when he is crying, getting burp rags, and stuffing toys around wherever he is. You are very good at giving your baby “loves” (aka hugs) and lots of kisses. It is so very sweet! Oh, and your baby brother has absolutely NO personal space.
  •  At 18 months, you’re quite the little sponge—always absorbing what is going on around you. You’re still my water baby, Nora Mae. Bath time is always a hit—although you strongly dislike having to put pajamas on when your bath is done! You’re a Daddy’s girl and you love being outside. You cannot get enough of Beau and Jake. I think you’re right-handed. We’re still working on coloring on the paper, instead of putting the crayon in your mouth (they’re non-toxic, right?!). I love that you follow me around and “help” with anything I’m doing.

Eleanor Mae, you’re sweet, sassy, and energetic. You are a determined little girl; I see you as a future leader...definitely a take-charge, no-nonsense person! You’re a complete joy and you challenge this Mama to grow in patience! Stay little, Peanut. We love you!

Love always,

Monday, January 23, 2017

Oliver Frank at 4 months

Dear Oliver,

At 4 months, you are so very giggly. You have an amazing belly laugh--and yes, your eyes still almost disappear when that big grin takes over your face!
Here’s a few things I want to remember about your 4 month self:

  • You love to be in the ring sling. Grumpy? Cuddly? Chatty? Overstimulated? Unsure? Excited? You love to be all cocooned in right next to me. I’m eating it up right now because well…you’ll be a toddler before I know it! 
  • You’re beginning to show interest in toys. Small teething toys, single plastic rings, and your 0’ball are a few that you like. Your activity mat is also a hit--so many toys to swing and kick at. Nora Mae tries to bury you in toys, hoping you’ll jump up and play with her. 
  • Your 1st Christmas was pretty special. As expected, you had no interest in any presents. You preferred to be swaddled and held. 
  • A couple days after Christmas, Grams, Auntie Em, and I took you to Chicago for our annual shopping trip. It was your first time riding the train. You seemed thrilled :)  The real reason you went is because your food supply was going and I’m pretty sure you would have been sad without me. 
  • You usually take a short nap, right after we eat supper. However, you seem to protest quite loudly during that catnap now, because you‘re “not tired“. Occasionally, you get antisocial in the evenings. You literally want to be laid down and left alone; you don’t want anyone to mess with you. Some times you scoot around, some times you chat, and other times you’re pretty quiet. Your daddy gets this way sometime, too :)
  • This Mama is afraid you’re trying to grow teeth. Really though, there’s no need for teeth for AT LEAST SEVERAL MORE MONTHS. Trust me on this one. Your hands are in your mouth 24/7. 
  • Speaking of eating, you are one distracted little dude when you eat--oh look, LIGHTS! 
  • After months of being swaddled (and absolutely loving it!), you do not seem to enjoy it very much anymore. You prefer trying to scoot yourself around (on your belly) or grab your feet. You love it when we sit you up so you can see what all the noise is about, too. 
  • 10 days AFTER your 4 month birthday, you weighed 12 pounds & 9 ounces (2nd%) and are 23.75 inches long (2nd%). Your head is in the 50th percentile. You've gained 2 pounds in the last 2 months--but most 4 month olds are bigger than you! 
  • At 4 months, you’re in size 1 diapers and 0-3/3 month clothes. HOWEVER, 1 whole week ago, I pulled out your 6 month sleepers, 3-6 month socks AND 3-6 month shoes. You’ve completely outgrown 0-6 month hats. 

Last January, we were super excited to learn that we were having another baby. And now, we have the sweetest 4 month old little boy! Love you, Oliver Frank!

Love always,